Stage 36

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TW: Sexual Assault

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TW: Sexual Assault

The double doors flung open to reveal an extremely foggy inside. The entire place was crawling with gang members, many having cigarettes in their mouth.

Y/n visibly coughed when the air entered her lungs, gaining a concerned look from Kazutora. Trying to protect her from prying eyes, he intertwined their fingers.

When Y/n looked up to see the reason, he simply smiled, his earring giving out a rattle. Feeling reassured, all three of them continued to walk forward.

Every single person started staring at her and Takemichi. She soon started getting goosebumps on her leg, when she saw someone lick their lips, looking at them. Usually when this happened, she would counter the person but this time she concurred it was better to not start up a fight in enemy territory.

They then reached the circle of people surrounding an event taking place.

Her eyes widened in shock when she saw the scene that was placed in front of her. Punches were delivered to a poor blonde boy on the floor. The offender was none other than the target person, Baji.

His slick, dark hair was tied back into a clean ponytail.

His fists were covered with blood as he kept on punching the boy's face. He was also seated on top of his stomach adding more salt to injury. The punches kept on going as his face became more and more dismantled.

Y/n felt horrified.

She tried to run forward but was held back by Kazutora who firmly held her hand. He was preventing any advancement from her.

"BA-" Y/n tried to scream but was cut off due to Kazutora blocking her mouth with his free hand.

"Shh Chibi chan. You wouldn't want to interrupt his test of faith, would you?" Kazutora retained his eyes on the scene, not letting anyone budge.

Despite his immense strength, Y/n still managed to free her mouth from his grip.

"BAJI" she finally had the freedom to move and hence made her way to the two males.

He immediately stopped, whether it was because the blonde was on the verge of death or because of the voice of one of the people he cared about.

He then stood up and walked towards a podium of sorts.

"You gonna let me into Valhalla now? Hanma kun" Baji flung his hair tie out, bringing his luscious hair down.

While Y/n ran to the unconscious male, folding her skirt with her. She promptly checked his heartbeat and was relieved when it was still beating. After taking further checkups, she concluded that he had a fractured nose and a swollen eye.

"You'll be alright" she sighed as she gave him one good look.

"Kazutora, you ready?" Hanma growled as he jumped out of the podium he was seated on.

"Yup, this is Hanagaki Takemichi, a new member of Toman. Along with Suzuki Y/n, the first female member of Toman" Tora directed him to them.

Takemichi was then pushed towards Hanma by another grunt. Y/n also got up standing right next to Takemichi.

"Oi Hanma, She wasn't part of this. Why did you bring her?" Baji grabbed her elbow and shoved her a bit behind his back.

The sounds of the grunts shouting 'Kill him' echoed around the dusty walls.

"She will be alright" Hanma stole her grip from Baji and dragged her to the podium.

"Why the fuck is everyone deciding my stuff for me today? I can walk by myself, thank you very much" she followed Hanma onto the podium.

"TODAY, BAJI KEISUKE THE TOP MEMBER OF TOMAN DECIDED TO LEAVE TOMAN AND JOIN VALHALLA. " He announced to his men in a grand manner, before calming down.

"But first we need to confirm something. For all we could know, he could be a spy for Toman. So we had Kazutora prepare a witness" Hanma pushed Y/n further into the view of the grunts.

First he asked Takemichi about the details of the previous night. Explaining the exact things Baji had spoken. Hanma seemed to have taken his time processing all the evidence before declaring,



The cheers soon died down to hear the females calls.

"Baji, what the hell do you think you're-" Y/n tried to protest but was stopped, by a sudden act.

Hanma had pulled her tie swiftly and hauled her towards him.

"You look way more appealing when you're like this. Doll" His breath hitched her lips, as he stared into her eyes.

Hanma then rammed his mouth against hers, joining their lips together. He didn't even wait to swirl his tongue inside her mouth.

Y/n tried to push away his assaults but was too weak compared to the bean sprout.

His wet tongue slicked, trying to meet with hers. But Y/n held hers back.

The entire place was brimming with excited males. Although some were less ecstatic.

Kazutora had to hold himself back from punching Hanma. The pocket knife in his hands burst open inside his trousers.

He then used the tip of the blade to prick himself with it. He hoped this would stop him from jumping onto Hanma. Blood was staining his clothes however, they couldn't be seen due it being black.

Baji on the other hand visibly scrunched his fists together. He just got into Valhalla, attacking their leader would ruin everything.

But she looked so uncomfortable, that Baji had to remove his eyes from the scene.

After what seemed like an eternity, Hanma finally let her go.

"Tell Mikey, that I've stolen his first kiss"


I'm sorry to all my readers who felt uncomfortable with this¡¡

Nothing more will happen, rest assured.

Have a great day/night¡¡


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