Stage 41

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[ Past ]

Y/n felt her body being pushed forwards, then she was falling. Her body thumped onto someone else's.

Both landed on the floor with a thud as Y/n tried to figure out what was happening. Looking below, she saw that the person she fell on was none other than Mitsuya.

They were currently at the edge of the downtown park.

"Oh my god, Mitsuya." She apologised as she got up from him.

He was wearing a green overcoat with headphones racked off his head.

"I'm so sorry" she apologised, bowing multiple times. Upon seeing her, Mitsuya's face lightened into a smile.

He loved looking at her.

Her mere presence would skyrocket his serotonin levels.

"It's fine, Y/n" he used the bars next to him to stand up.

"What were you doing on top of that tree anyways?" He dusted his clothes then helped Y/n straighten her clothes.

"I- well-"

Maybe it was because Y/n couldn't remember why exactly she was there or Mitsuya standing so close to her, Y/n couldn't respond properly.

"Oh yes" , smacking her brain, she finally recalled her reason.

"There was this cat on the tree. So when I tried to get the fella down, I remembered that I'm horrible with animals. So it scratched me, worse than Baji's scratches. And here I am, Thanks for cushioning my fall by the way." She reiterated the entire reason for her being there.

"Well maybe it was fate, but I was going right to you next. To deliver thissss" Mitsuya whipped out a neatly folded uniform.

Her Toman Uniform.

"95% of the gang recommended that you should get a skirt. However, I thought that you will feel much more comfortable with the normal trousers" he smiled as he handed the excited female her outfit.

To which Y/n engulfed him in a teddy bear hug, squeezing him with all her might. She was extremely grateful for a person like Mitsuya in her life.

If he could, he would confess right there and then. But he was still waiting for the exact perfect moment.

"THANK YOU SO SO MUCH MITSUYA. I LOVE YOU SO MUCH" she squealed, letting go of him and jumping up and down with glee. While she was focused on her uniform, Mitsuya's consciousness lingered on her last few words.

"Hey Y/n?" He called out to her. "Let's go eat Tonkatsu. If I remember correctly, you loved that in middle school." He guessed, hoping that he had hit the bullseye.

"You are"

"LEGIT HUSBAND MATERIAL. Any girl who marries you will be incredibly lucky to have you as their significant other" She marched onwards to the nearest restaurant.

While Mitsuya slowly walked behind, chuckling softly.

"And hopefully that's you"


"Sooo Chifuyu, are you still the shy young boy I once knew" Y/n wiggled her eyebrows at the blonde male.

Y/n, Chifuyu and Takemichi were on their way to convince Baji. Once Y/n heard about the plans she had already deemed it impossible. Though she still came cause she didn't wanna die, especially at the hands of an idiot like Mikey.

"I AM NOT" an embarrassed Chifuyu spoke as he smacked his hand onto Y/n's hand to stop her from spilling further.

They then walked up on an overpass bridge, where they spotted the target. He was lying against the railing, the wind blowing his hair.

When Y/n saw him, she immediately started running towards him, hoping for tackle or a hug.

Maybe him dying in the near future made Y/n more softer towards him.


At that moment Baji realised,

Why he fell for her.

His body had other plans though as he moved a bit more to the side. Rendering her tackle useless and her falling to the floor.


Baji couldn't help but laugh at her demise.

He then faced Chifuyu, slightly angry at him for bringing the girl here.

"Oi Chifuyu, How many times should I drill it into yer head? I'm part of Valhalla now" Baji dodged another one of Y/n's tackles.

"Baji San, I did my own research on Kisaki and confirmed that he's bad news. You can return back to Toman but if you don't, YOU'RE REALLY GOING TO END UP AS AN ENEMY OF TOMAN" Chifuyu shouted in vain, hoping that his words would go through Baji.

"Chifuyu, I'm with Valhalla and tomorrow I'm going to crush Toman" Baji leaned on the railing again and stared into the traffic of cars below.

"Guys" Y/n finally spoke up, " Do you mind if I talk to Baji alone?" She told the two blondes who simultaneously agreed and moved away.

"Just so you know, I'm taking part in the fight tomorrow" Y/n stood directly in front of Baji.

She had made up her mind, she would definitely fight this time. Not even Mikey could stop her resolve now.

"Are you dumb? You're part of the reason why everyone wants to fight and you still want to risk your life?" Baji scolded her but still acted unfazed by her words.

"Yessir" she then paused before continuing, "Baji I know you aren't going to come back to Toman but could you at least fulfill my one request" she begged him, her eyes glinting with tiny specks of tears.

"Huh, what is it?" he finally gave in to her demand.

Y/n's face crumpled, trying her best not to cry at this moment.

She then immediately engulfed into a hug, snuggling deeper into his chest.

"Please.... Please don't die" she cried into his jacket.

Baji reluctantly put his hand onto her hair and started caressing it.

He then whispered something to himself. So that no passer-by or Y/n herself could hear him.

"Wait for me, I'll win you back"



BTW JJK won by an enormous amount lmao.

Anyways so here's my plans for my upcoming books;

After this will come my JJK book then another Mikey x Reader (only him this time)

I need specifications for the JJK book tho,

Do yall want it to be various x reader (Like this book)

or one specific Character?

Oc or Y/N?

Have a great day/night¡¡¡


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