Stage 23

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The leaves crunched as Y/n, Mitsuya and Takemichi raced to Draken

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The leaves crunched as Y/n, Mitsuya and Takemichi raced to Draken. The rain kept on pouring, hindering their vision. Though it didn't matter much to them, as they were fixed on their destination.

After what seemed like decades of running, they finally made it. There beheld a scene that they've never seen.

Several men were sprawled on the floor, their eyes turned to the inside of their head. Draken stood at the center with blood gushing out of his head. He seemed in pain but kept on going . Emma stood a few metres behind him, clutching tightly onto an umbrella.

"Y/n" Emma called out to Y/n, who ran towards her.

"Emma, are you alright?" she questioned, scanning her for any injuries visible.

"I am but Draken, he got hit by a bat" she sniffed looking at the crowd of Moebius gathered.

"Peh yan, you idiot. Siding with Moebius and hitting Draken. What are you thinking?!" Mitsuya shouted at Peh yan.

Right then, the exhaust of a certain bike rang in the air.

"Mikey's here" Draken smirked as he lowered further onto the ground. His injuries were catching up to him.

The screeching sound of a bike was heard as it halted on the concrete road. Off the bike came Mikey, walking right at Peh yan.

"The reason I got called to somewhere else was because you could attack Ken chin. And then you were going to break Toman in half and blame it on me" he stopped right in front of the offender.

"Who tricked you into doing this?"

"Wow I'm impressed" a new contender walked into the ring.

He was tall, extremely tall. He held a puffing cigarette between his fingers along with an umbrella that was held by his men. He had blonde-black hair slicked upwards.

"So you're the creeper that's pulling the strings" Mikey kept a stoic face as he approached him.

"You're a pain in the ass Mik-" the dude was stopped by Mikey so swung his leg in the air, attempting to hit him.

It was futile as he completely blocked his attack. The bean's sprouts hands were on full display for Y/n.

That's when she realised.

It was the same dude who attacked her in the Registry place.

The word on his hand wasn't "Si" but it was 'Sin', similarly he had another word tattooed, 'Punishment'.

'What is he? The grim reaper? Maybe I'm actually dead.' she thought, while everyone gasped at Mikey's signature move being blocked.

"Don't be in such a hurry Mikey. Our goal is to crush Toman so first we'll beat you up." he shook his hand, relieving it from the block.

Moebius men started approaching them; Y/n stepped in front of Emma protectively.

They stopped in their tracks since the sound of bikes were heard.

Tens of Toman members came on their bikes, including Smiley and Baji. All looking ready for some brawl.

Shit had started to go down as both gangs trudged into fighting. The captains of the divisions clearly led the fight.

"Emma I need you to go hide there behind the walls. Keep the ambulance on speed dial okay?" Y/n ushered her to the hiding place.

"What about you? You can't be planning on fighting Moebius too" Emma grabbed onto Y/n's yukata, stopping her.

Y/n simply smiled as she loosened her obi belt. This parted her yukata into two, stopping right at her upper thighs; she finally had more leg space now.

Giving a final glance to Emma, she ran to where Takemichi helplessly stood.

"TAKEMICHI, DID YOU FIND DRAKEN?" She helped him stand properly.

"The fighting isn't letting me see properly. Y/n we have to hurry or.... Or all of our work would be for nothing" he cried out.

"Takemichi listen to me" she had to raise her voice as the gruntles were overpowering.

"We'll find Kiyomasa okay? Just trust me" she reassured him and he finally nodded at her.

"Oi, you're that girl who beat up Osanai." a grunt appeared. He honestly looked like a troll that lived under the bridge in Dora the Explorer.

He made grabby hands towards her, clearly having perverted thoughts.

That was short-lived however, as Y/n delivered a strong ass kick right in his stomach. This made him throw up blood.

"Tch I hate guys like you" she made a disgusted face at him and continued with Takemichi.

That is until a loud shout was heard from the middle of the crowd. Though it went unheard by the ears of our two protagonists.

Peh Yan and Mikey had officially made up.


Y/n kept on hitting grunts to the best she could, while Takemichi searched for Draken.

A glint caught his eye when he saw Kiyomasa go past him, with a knife in his hand, covered in fresh blood.

Sweat beads rolled down both of them, as they finally spotted Draken, slumped lifelessly on the floor. Blood oozing from his body to the ground.

Y/n and Takemichi immediately rushed to his aid. Takemichi reclined near his head and Y/n sat near his abdomen.

She kept her hand on his heart to feel his heart beat. Faint but there was a chance of survival. Same like Osanai but the blood loss was more in his case. He had been hit right in the noggin and stabbed in the abdomen.

She tore some of her yukata and tied it around his head while applying pressure on his abdomen. She checked his right eye for any sign of life and thankfully he was still with them.

"CHIBI CHIN WHAT'S WRONG" Mikey punched some Moebius men who came in his way.

"Mikey..." she sniffed, choking back tears. "DRAKENS BEEN STABBED"

As soon as she said those words, Mikey's irises constricted. That's when it became serious.

He kept on fighting the grunts while walking towards them. That is of course until Hanma threw him away by the collar.

"Found you, MY KEY" Hanma maniacally laughed.

More men swarmed Mikey, but he kept his ground and kept on fighting back.

"Take care of Ken chin for me, you both" he blocked another attack and punched Hanma in the gut.

While Takemichi and Y/n decided it was best to take Draken away from the fight.


And I'm back.

Phew here's another 1000 word chapter.

Man A levels hard, I barely have time to breathe.

Have a great day/night


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