Stage 11

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Another morning, another day

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Another morning, another day. To be honest, Y/n was already tired of this time travel nonsense. She tried digging deeper into quantum physics, but general relativity didn't match up with Takemichi's case.

Hinata had decided to abandon her besties again today. She was left for a boy.

"Ugh the past seems more horrible than before" she sighed. She got up from her bed, setting the blanket aside.

After she was dressed up, she went to pick up her bag just then, something unusual happened.

There was smack heard from the window. She ran towards and saw a person on her balcony. He had peach coloured hair and a wide smile. His eyes seemed closed but she knew he could see perfectly well. He had a small structure but judging by those muscles, she knew he was strong.

"HEY LADY HAVE YOU SEEN A PIGEON ANYWHERE?" He shouted angrily or was it his normal speaking voice? Y/n couldn't tell.

"Uh if you're looking for pigeons then there's many of them in the sky" she pointed to the clear blue sky.
He just looked at her like she was mental. Y/n was just as confused at what was going on
"I might look dumb but I'm not actually dumb" he smiled. "Now come, you will help me find that damn pigeon" he grabbed her hand and pulled her over the balcony.

"Woah wait, I have sch-" she couldn't finish her sentence as she felt herself falling towards the pavement. Her eyes closed on instinct and her body braced for impact but she felt no rough ground.

She opened her eyes to see that she was caught by the random dude. He soon let her down gently and took hold of her arm again, this time tighter than usual.

Then he was running, with Y/n in tow. The situation seemed so stupid that Y/n seemed to have burst out laughing, smiling almost as big as Smiley.

"Hey you could at least tell me your name, you know?" she asked him, trying to keep up with his pace.

"Kawata Nahoya but everyone usually calls me Smiley" he kept switching his gaze everywhere, still busy in finding the pigeon.

"I can see why, my name's Suzuki Y/n. So what exactly is the reason for you to be chasing this pigeon"

"That's a cute name" he paused before continuing, "That fucking pigeon stole something from me. It's a gold chain, tell me if you see it" he gave his close eyed smile.

They eventually reached a river where a bazillion pigeons were settled. It would probably take an eternity to find it.

She looked at Smiley and saw his big smile fade a bit. Seeing this, her determination got boosted.

"If it means this much to you, then let's find it fast" she smiled, holding up a thumbs up.

He returned the smile as well and soon they were searching, every nook and cranny of every pigeon.

An hour flew by but there were no results. There was one more thing, did Y/n ever mention that she has an allergy to feathers? It's nothing deadly but it is annoying.

Sneezes could be heard every now and then but Y/n paid no heed and kept on going. However, these didn't go unnoticed by Smiley. He even saw her slip a pill inside her mouth, which he supposed was to help with those allergies
"OMFL I FOUND IT. SMILEY COME HERE" she started jumping up and down, her skirt bouncing with.

He quickly came running towards her and clasped the chain from her hand.

It was a simple chain, just a plain old gold chain with the initial S hanging on it. Y/n knew it meant sentimental value
She folded her arms behind her back and watched him examine the chain, smiling.

"IT'S THE RIGHT ONE. THANKS" he carefully put it away in his pocket.
Y/n sniffled a bit while watching him.

He noticed and immediately grasped her shoulders, making her startled.
"You're allergic to feathers aren't you? Why didn't you tell me? And most importantly, why did you decide to help me even when I basically dragged you here??" he questioned, shaking her.

"Haha well why I don't particularly have a reason but I knew that chain held some sentimental value so I decided to help. And not attending school was also a bonus" she gave him a gentle smile.

He abruptly let go of her and moved a bit back.

"Thanks Y/n"

For the first time that day, Y/n finally saw him give an actual genuine smile.

The moment was interrupted by a phone call. She swiftly scooped it up and attended it.

"Hi Hinata wassup" she said

"Why are you not at school?? Nevermind that I don't even wanna ask. Just meet us at my rooftop for fireworks in the evening. You better be there" Hinata ended with such anger that Y/n was even terrified.

"Sorry Smiley, I gotta run but let's meet again okay?" She ran out of the area towards her school, preparing herself for another lecture from the teachers.

Smiley just stayed there, watching her trudge away. He stared at her with such awe, she really was something else.


Not edited lmao


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