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As I was driving down the road I saw the diner come into view and decided to stop in for something just to get a look at her

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As I was driving down the road I saw the diner come into view and decided to stop in for something just to get a look at her.

I pulled into the parking lot and just one vehicle was there. I got out and walked in and there she was cleaning off a table.

"Closing?" I asked.

"Soon. We don't have any help tonight so I hope you're not wanting food." She said.

"Ok how about a strawberry milkshake then?" I asked.

"That I can do." She smiled.

I sit down at the bar and watched her make my milkshake.

"You must live around here since you come in so often." She said handing it to me.

"I do just down the road. Do you live around here?" I asked.

"Yeah, not too far from here." She said.

"I think I mentioned it the other day but my name is Hart."

"I'm Ayla." She smiled.

She finished cleaning while I drank my milkshake and I felt bad like I was keeping her here.

I finished my drink and she took the glass away to wash it and I just sit there. I got a twenty out and laid it on the counter.

"Keep the change," I said.

"Are you going to do this every time you come in Hart?" She smiled.

"Possibly," I smirked.

She walked around and flipped the sign to close and then walked back over to the counter.

"Let me walk you out. That parking lot is pretty dark for you to be walking out alone." I said.

"Yeah it is dark and I get spooked at times and well if my car won't start then I'm in trouble." She laughed.

"I don't mind waiting on you to finish whatever you need to," I said.

"Oh I'm done and ready to go." She said grabbing a bag from behind the counter.

I walked out the door with her and she locked it behind her. I walked her over to her car and it looked like it's seen better days.

"Thanks again Hart for everything but I got to get home to my mom." She said.

I waited for her to get in the car and start it up. She shut the door and rolled down the window. When she cranked it over it wouldn't start.

"Does it do this often?" I asked.

"Sometimes and I really need to get it looked at but I can't afford it." She said.

"Pop the hood and let me look," I said pulling out my cell phone for the flashlight.

I lifted the hood and tinkered with it a little bit and told her to crank it and it started. "Do you want me to follow you home to make sure you make it?" I asked.

"No, I think it will be ok now." She said.

"How about we swap numbers in case it's not ok you can call or text me?" I said.

"That will work." She said.

We swapped numbers and I watched her pull out of the parking lot and I got in my jeep and went the opposite way.

Once I made it home I took a shower and got ready for bed. I couldn't stop worrying if she made it home and was ok.

I picked up my phone and started a new message. I need to see if she's ok.

📱 Did you make it home ok?

📱 I did! Thank you so much, Hart.

📱 No problem. Goodnight

📱 Nite.

I laid the phone on the bedside table and turned over and went to sleep and all I did was dream about her.

The next morning I got up and went up to the main house for breakfast with everyone and Ryder jumped on my lap right away wrapping his little arms around my neck.

"Morning to you too Ryder." I laughed.

"Can I have some of your pancake Uncle Hart?" He asked.

"Of course you can. But why don't we ask Clara to get you some of your own."

"Ok cool." He said.

Clara brought him his own plate over with two smaller pancakes on it and I put some syrup on it for him and he was quietly sitting beside me eating every drop.

"We need you at home with us when he won't eat," Luke said.

I winked at Poppy and she smiled at me. I hate how I was such a jerk to her when I was high but I'm thankful everyone forgave me and never held it over me.

Once breakfast was over Ryder cried to go with me so I told Poppy it was fine I was just making some horseshoes today and Ryder could help me brush the horses down.

Once I made a horseshoe I explained to him how lucky they were and gave it to him and he was more than excited.

By the time dinner came around my brain was fried of answering so many questions that Ryder had.

He ran over to Luke. "Look what Uncle Hart gave me!" Ryder screamed.

"Where's mine?" Wren asked looking sad.

"I'm making you one tomorrow Wrenbird." I smiled at her and she smiled back.

After dinner, I decided I wanted a milkshake. I jumped in my jeep and headed toward the diner.

Once in the parking lot, my phone beeped.

📱 Beer tonight?

📱 Sorry, Brody I'm calling it a night. I was with Ryder all day.

📱 Alright next time.

I put my phone in my pocket along with my jeep key and headed inside.

It was busy and she didn't see me come in and sit down but when she walked over to take my order she smiled when she saw me.

"Hi, Hart!"

"Hi, Ayla!"

"Come to walk me to my car again?" She smiled.

"If you need me to." I smiled.

"What can I get you this time?" She asked.

"I'll take a strawberry milkshake," I said.

"Coming right up." She said pushing her hair out of her eyes.

She had the prettiest green eyes I've ever seen.

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