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6 months later

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6 months later...

The house is coming along and it surprises me how fast the Mavericks build stuff.

Hart has been helping every day after he finishes his normal work stuff.

I have been working about every day and taking Arrow with me. Between all of us working there I have a lot of help.

Holland and I have been working on our second pallet since the first one was such a hit.

When we had a meet and greet I wasn't sure what to think or act at how people treat me like a celebrity but that's, not me.

I had to take a break and feed Arrow but now that he's older he's looking around and babbling a lot.

He looks even more like Hart now of course. But I love how he is coming into his own little person and he's so sweet.

I walked out front and there were a couple of people in the store and I decided to take Arrow to Holland but she was busy and so was Derrick so Chad said he would take him.

After our spat months ago we now get along and he is really nice to me and helps out with Arrow a lot.

I walked back out front and a woman my age or so asked for some help and I walked over and it was like everything she asked and I replied she was being a bitch about it and I was about to lose my shit.

"Do you even like makeup?" She asked.

"If I didn't I wouldn't work in this store." I smiled.

"Who did your makeup because it's ugly." She said snidely.

"Well as a matter of fact my mother-in-law Holland did it for me today," I said.

Her mouth dropped open and then she looked at me and then turned her head and then turned back. "What color did she use on your eyes?"

I laughed to myself. "It would be this pallet right here. My latest one that we collaborated together on." I said.

"Oh, so you must be Ayla then." She said.

"Yup that would be me." I smiled.

"Well, thanks for your help Ayla and I'm sorry I was such a bitch. I always like giving the makeup consultants a hard time thinking they don't know makeup."

"It's ok! I hope you enjoy the pallet." I said walking away rolling my eyes toward Tiff and she smirked.

I could hear Arrow crying and when I walked back to the office Chad was playing airplane with him.

I took him from Chad and he said, Mama. I looked at Chad and his eyes got big.

"Oh my god, he said Mama!" I said.

Holland walked into the room. "I heard that. Oh, it's so exciting. Let's record him and see if he will say it again so Hart can hear.

"Arrow can you say Mama again?" I asked bouncing him.

"Mama." He said kicking his feet.

I placed kisses all over his face and he giggled. "Oh my goodness those words melt me."

I sent you the video Ayla so you can send it to Hart." Chad said.

"Thank you, Chad!" I said walking back to the office and Holland took him as I sent the video to Hart.

📱 Oh my gosh Ayla!!! That's the cutest thing I have ever heard. I hate I missed it but thanks for recording it

📱 Chad recorded it for me the second time. The first time he said it threw me off guard.

📱 I cant wait to get my hands on you. I love you, Ayla.

📱 I love you too Hart! ❤️

I put my phone away and walk back out front to where Tiff was. "Arrow just said mama for the first time."

"Oh my gosh did he really? That's so exciting!" She said.

"Melted my heart and it's so cute. I'm glad Chad recorded it the second time look." I said handing her my phone.

"I missed it out here checking out miss America," Tiff said rolling her eyes.

I couldn't help but laugh. "At first she told me my makeup was terrible until I said Holland did it and then she wanted to know what pallet did we use and that's what she bought and then apologized for being a bitch."

"Wow why even be a bitch?" Tiff asked.

"Not sure but then she asked if I was Ayla and I said yes and she was super friendly." I laughed.

"Such butt licker I swear." She laughed.

"How are things with you and Ky?" I asked.

"Things are great. It's nice to make it official and be called a couple." She smiled.

"I love that you two are together. He's such a nice guy." I smiled.

Holland came out with Arrow and handed him to me. "Sorry, but I have an important call coming in at five but you girls can go ahead and close up if you don't mind."

"Alright see you at home Holland," I said getting Arrow in his car seat.

We locked up and I took Arrow out to the jeep and got him strapped in and we headed home.

When I pulled up Hart met me outside and got Arrow out of his car seat. "Did you say mama today?" He asked tickling him.

"Mama!" He said.

"Oh man, we have to be careful with what we say around him now." Hart laughed.

"Yeah, you better you are the one that says the bad words around here," I said.

"Oh, you just say them in the bedroom." He laughed following me into the house.

Hart took Arrow into the kitchen and put him in the highchair and fed him some baby food while I sit at the table and watched.

"How is the house coming along?" I asked.

"It's so nice I cant wait to get in there with you and Arrow." He said.

"I guess I need to pick out appliances soon your dad said."

"Yeah, we are going to putting the marble countertops on tomorrow so be ready." He said with a kiss.

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