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My life is more than hectic and I'm barely living paycheck to paycheck

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My life is more than hectic and I'm barely living paycheck to paycheck. Taking care of a sick mom and not knowing anyone in this area.

My mom and I moved here a year ago when my brother Christian was stationed here so he could help me with her but he recently was sent overseas for the army and I'm stuck picking up the pieces.

Mom is a bad diabetic and also has lung cancer and is going downhill more and more every day.

Christian sends money to help cover her costs sometimes but I'm stuck working this crappy job at the diner just to get by.

Not how I thought my life would be at twenty-five. The guy I met in the diner a few nights ago helped me more than he thought by giving me those big tips.

Mom needed insulin and that covered it. Now if only I could get my car fixed.

I don't look forward to many things but seeing Hart makes my night and he doesn't even know it.

It meant the world to me when he helped me last night with my car. I would have had to walk home again and that's scary in the dark.

I walked back over with his strawberry milkshake and set it in front of him. "Here ya go."

"Thanks, Ayla." He smiled.

I finished taking care of my other customers and cleaned up when my phone rang.

My boss understands how sick mom is and if I get a call I'm allowed to answer it.

☎️ Hello?

☎️ Ayla? Its Tina. I came to check on your mom and she won't wake up. I called an ambulance to come to get her.

☎️ Tina I will meet you at the hospital. Thanks for everything.

☎️ No problem just be careful.

I hang up my phone and run to the back and stand in the hallway with my hand over my mouth to keep the sobs from coming out.

I didn't see anyone walk up to where I am. But when I opened my eyes it was Hart.

"Ayla are you ok?" He asked.

I couldn't even speak I just shook my head no and closed my eyes.

"Hey, what's the matter?" He asked.

"It's my mom." I managed to get out.

"What about her?" He asked.

"My neighbor said the ambulance is taking her to the hospital. I have to go." I said.

"Give me your diner key and I'll clean up for you and lock the door and I'll come to find you at the hospital. What's your last name?" He asked.

"Fox. Are you sure? I need to wash the dishes and wipe the bar down." I said.

"Yes just go and drive safe." He said.

I handed him my key and rushed out the door. I don't know him but I do trust him.

When I made it to the hospital I rushed inside to the nurse station. "Vanessa Fox. She was brought in by ambulance."

"Cubical two." She said pointing.

When I made it behind the curtain Tina was sitting there with her. "Is she ok?"

"Not sure they won't tell me anything." She said.

"Thanks for coming Tina but you can go home. I appreciate you more than you know."

"Anytime sweet girl. Let me know when you find out what's wrong." She said walking out.

A doctor walked in. "Are you kin to Ms. Fox?"

"Yes, I'm her daughter and caretaker. What is wrong with her?"

"Well right now she's resting. She did wake up in the ambulance and was very confused. Her sugar dropped and we gave her something to bring her around." He said.

"Usually her sugar is way too high that's why I give her 50 units of insulin every morning," I said.

"Well, we are going to need to keep her and run a test to see what else is going on." He said.

"She does have lung cancer as well," I said.

"Your mother is a very sick woman Miss Fox." He said looking down at his clipboard before walking out.

"No shit Sherlock," I said pulling out my phone to text Christian and let him know whats going on with mom.

I put my elbows on my knees and covered my eyes with my hands and just wept. It's not helping anything but I am all alone and don't know what to do.

My dad ran off before I was ever born and well he's no help. Mom is an only child so no aunt or uncles either.

The curtain moved back and a nurse stepped into the room. "There is a young man outside asking to speak to you."

"Thank you! I will be right back." I said walking out. I knew it had to be Hart.

When I walked up to him it was like he could see through my soul with those blue eyes.

"Is your mom ok?" He asked.

I shook my head no because I couldn't form words.

"Ayla I'm so sorry. Is there anything I can do?" He asked.

"No, but thank you for cleaning up the diner and closing up for me," I said sniffing.

"It's not a problem. Here is your key back." He said.

"Thank you, Hart."

"How long is she going to be in here?" He asked.

"Not sure the doctor just said she's very sick. Her sugar dropped but they brought her around but that makes no sense because she takes insulin. After all, it's always high." I said.

"I'm sorry to hear that. I can stick around with you if you would like." He said.

"You don't have to do that Hart," I said.

"I know I don't but I want to." He said as we walked back to where my mom was.

"She also has lung cancer but as far as I know it hasn't spread."

"Wow, I'm sorry. What is your mom's name?" He asked.

"Vanessa." I smiled.

A nurse walked in. "Umm, you can't be back here." She said.

"But she's my fiancée and that's my soon-to-be mother-in-law," Hart said.

I almost choked when he said that but looked over at him and smiled.

"Well, then it's ok." The nurse said checking a machine and then walking out.

"Sorry, it's all I could think of." He said smiling at me.

" He said smiling at me

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