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The last couple of days has been horrible

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The last couple of days has been horrible. Ayla is much stronger than I would ever be in this situation.

Her brother didn't make it that night before Vanessa passed but he's on his way to the airport.

Ayla is at the main house with everyone and I told her I would go get Christian while my mom helps her to make arrangements.

I pull up at the airport and she showed me a picture so I sit in the airport and when I see a guy in his army clothes I figured he had to be Christian.

I walked up to him... "Christian?"

"Hart I presume?" He said holding out his hand.

"That's right!" I said shaking his hand.

"Where is my sister?"

"She's back at the house with my parents making arrangements. I'm so sorry about your mom."

"How is Ayla doing?" He asked.

"Stronger than I would be. But she was with your mom until the end. We both were." I said.

"I appreciate it more than you know for how much you and your family have done for mine." He said.

We got in the truck and I looked over at Christian... "I love your sister Christian and I would do anything for her."

"That's really good to hear Hart." He said.

We headed back to the Ranch and we pulled up at the house and I took Christian inside to put his stuff in our spare room and then we walked up to the main house.

When we walked in and Ayla saw Christian she got up and ran into his arms.

They hugged for a good five minutes straight and we all walked out of the dining room to give them some room and time alone.

Clara had made dinner and one of my favorite bbq chicken with sides.

When Ayla walked into the room Christian was behind her. "Thanks for letting me join." He said.

"You are more than welcome. We thank you for your service Christian and anyone kin to Alya is welcome here." Dad said.

After we eat we walked around the Ranch with Christian showing him the animals and all the babies we have recently before heading down to the house.

I went to the kitchen and grabbed some glasses and poured three drinks because we all needed them and went to the living room to join them.

"I thought we all could use a drink," I said handing them out.

"Thanks, Hart." Ayla smiled.

"You read my mind." Christian smiled.

"So umm Holland and Worth have helped me with the service," Ayla said.

"What did you decide sis?" Christian asked.

"A small get-together here at the Ranch and mom wanted to be cremated so we can do that the day after tomorrow." She said.

"I'm fine with whatever you want to do Ayla. You were with mom more and you know what she wanted." He said.

"She never said where to have a service but it will be nice here and then we can split the ashes or I can keep them until you can take them with you."

"I'm good with that. I'm very appreciative of everything your family has done Hart." He said.

"Hey like I said before I love your sister and I'll do anything for her," I said.

"I will be back I need to go to the bathroom." She said.

Once Ayla went inside I turned to Christian. "Since we have a few minutes alone I want to ask your permission to marry Ayla."

"Wow, you're asking me? I'm honored." He said.

"Well you are all she has and I would like your approval," I said.

"Of course you have my permission. I can tell how much you love Ayla and I won't worry about her so much now that mom is gone." He said.

"I appreciate that. I mean I haven't bought a ring or anything yet but it's coming soon." I said right before she walked back out.

"My stomach is so queasy and I threw up in there. Maybe my nerves and too much grease." She said.

"You probably need some sleep as well Ayla. You have been going nonstop and you have a lot on your shoulders." Christian said.

"I agree let's go inside and get ready for bed," I said yawning.

"Ok, let's go. Christian, I hope you're comfortable on the couch because the spare room is packed with mom's stuff." She said.

"I saw that when I put my bags in that room," Christian said.

I went to the hall closet and got him a pillow and a comforter and told him to help himself with whatever he wants.

"Don't be alarmed if you see me up early. I have to check on the horses." I said.

"Alright, man thanks guys, and goodnight," Christian said.

I followed Ayla into the bedroom and shut the door. I watched her run into the bathroom and throw up again.

"Ayla are you ok?" I asked.

"I think I'm just so stressed and all the crying and I eat too much. I'm sorry I'm all over the place Hart."

"Don't be sorry. Let's cuddle in bed and get some sleep. Just wake me if you need me." I said wrapping my arms around her in bed.

I could hear her sobbing quietly in bed and I pulled her in tighter to me and kiss her shoulder. "I love you so much, Ayla."

"I love you too Hart." She said wrapping her arm around my arm.

I held her until her sobs stopped and she fell asleep and then I fell asleep soon after.

When the clock went off I didn't want to leave her in bed but I kissed the side of her head and got dressed for the day.

I snuck out the front door and up to the stables to check on the horses.

Luke was in there and I walked over to where he was. "Morning Luke!"

"Morning Hart! How are Ayla and Christian?" He asked.

"Not good and I couldn't imagine," I said.

"Neither can I." He said shaking his head.

I walked over to Apple and petted his head and he nuzzled me which caused me to smile.

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