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I didn't know what to think

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I didn't know what to think. I prayed for some way that things would be ok and then Hart appeared as my knight in shining armor.

I was quiet in his jeep as we drove behind the ambulance. I couldn't even form sentences.

"Ayla are you ok?"

"Yeah just shocked that this is happening. I don't even know how to thank you." I said.

"You don't have to thank us. If you cant use your name for something good what's the point?" He said as we pulled into the parking lot.

He opened my door and walked inside with me. Shortly Worth walked in and went over to the nurse's desk.

It wasn't long until mom was transported upstairs to a room and we followed behind.

The room was big and looked like a motel room. I really just couldn't believe my eyes.

An older doctor walked in. "Mr. Maverick we will make sure that Ms. Fox gets the best of care here to our ability." He said.

"Thanks! I'm hoping so. This here is my son Hart and his fiancée Ayla Vanessa's daughter. Make sure they have access to come and go as often as they like." Worth said.

"That can be arranged. A nurse will be in shortly to hook the machines up and get her vitals and we will go from there." He said.

"Thank you! I will be waiting around until that's done and see what your findings are." Worth said.

I walked over to the window and looked out and I couldn't hold the tears in any longer and my body begins to shake.

"Ayla? Hey, it's ok." He said walking up behind me.

I felt his arms on my shoulders and he squeezed lightly. I turned around and tried to speak twice but I couldn't.

Hart wiped my tears away. "It's really ok Ayla. I told you my dad would take care of everything and now your mom has a fighting chance." He said.

"Thank you both." I cried.

"No thanks needed Ayla. Sometimes you have to throw your weight around to get things done and I don't do it often but my son wanted to help you." Worth said.

A nurse walked in and hooked mom up to machines and checked her vitals. "We are waiting for the test from the hospital to see how her cancer is."

"Why is she still unconscious?" I asked.

"The doctor will be back in shortly to talk to you about that." She said.

"At the hospital, all I got was a runaround. No one would tell me why she is unconscious. My mom is a diabetic and it's always high so how could it be low and this happen?" I asked.

"I'm sorry I don't have answers for you, Ayla." Worth said.

The doctor walked back in. "So your mother is in a coma because of her diabetes. Her reading was forty-five when someone called for an ambulance." He said.

"How can that be? She takes insulin because it's always high." I asked.

"It can happen and unfortunately we have no idea when or if she will come out of the coma." He said.

"What? No one has even said that she wouldn't come out of it." I said.

"I'm sorry you haven't been informed Ms. Fox but unfortunately that's where we are at." He said.

"Thank you, doctor." Worth said.

After the doctor left I walked over to my mom and rubbed the top of her hand.

"Ayla if you want a second opinion on your mom I can get someone." Worth said.

"You have already done too much for me Mr. Maverick," I said.

"Come on now it's just Worth and I really don't mind. My mom is a retired nurse and probably knows someone. Let me call her." He said walking out of the room.

"My dad knows how to get shit done," Hart said.

"I'm shocked at all of this but Hart I didn't know she was in a coma no one ever said that. Just said she was sleeping. How was I to know?" I said.

"I'm sorry I wish there was some way I could take away your pain Ayla." He said pulling me into his arms.

Hart's hugs are the best and I feel safe in his arms. I was still in his arms when his dad walked back in.

"Ayla my mom knows someone and is going to call and see what she can do." Worth said.

"Thank you so much, Worth. I can't thank you enough." I said.

"Your welcome. I'm going to get out of here Emerson is going to take me back to my truck. See you at dinner son." He said.

"Thanks, Dad," Hart said.

Once Worth left Hart let go and we sit down at the table near the window.

"Don't you want to go home and take a shower and clean up a bit?" He asked.

"Why do I stink?" I laughed.

"No, I'm not saying that I just thought maybe you could use it. I think your mom will be ok here." He said.

"Could you take me? My car is at the hospital." I said.

"Of course I can take you. Let's go and we will tell the nurse and make sure she has your number or mine to call." He said.

We gave the info and walked down to his jeep. I feel bad leaving mom but I know she's in better hands here than she was at the hospital.

"You have to tell me where you live because I have no idea," Hart said.

"In that trailer park above the diner," I said.

"Oh ok, I know where that is." He said.

"It's all we could afford to rent and on nights that my car wouldn't start I just walked home," I said.

"Shit Ayla that's dangerous." He said.

"I know it is but I didn't have a choice Hart and no one to help me out until my knight and shining armor came along." I smiled over at him.

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