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The next morning a sharp pain woke me up

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The next morning a sharp pain woke me up. I rolled over looking for Hart but he wasn't in the bed.

I realized it was Sunday and I didn't have to work today. I got out of the bed and went to the bathroom and the pain doubled me over.

I started screaming for Hart. "HART! HART!"

He comes running up the steps with Arrow in his arms. "What's the matter?"

"I think I'm in labor. The pain is too much." I said.

"Oh crap! Let's get you dressed and in the jeep and I will take Arrow over to Poppy." He said.

"Go take him now while I get dressed," I said holding my stomach.

"Ok be right back." He said running down the hall.

I was trying to brush my teeth when my water broke.

"Oh shit! This is all too real. I had a couple of weeks left before my due date but I guess the baby girl isn't waiting.

I made it over to the bed and picked up my phone and called Holland.

☎️ Ayla are you ok?

☎️ Holland my water just broke. I'm getting dressed and Hart went to take Arrow over to Poppy and then we are heading to the hospital.

☎️ Oh goodness ok. We will follow you guys over there. Blow as you go by.

☎️ Will do. Bye!

By the time I got dressed Hart was back upstairs in our room freaking out.

"My water broke Hart but be calm and go get the baby bag and help me downstairs. I already called your mom and they are going to follow us there." I said.

"Ok, I can do that." He helped me down the hall and he grabbed the bag then helped me down the steps and out to my jeep.

Once in the jeep, we drove down the ranch until the main house was in view and Hart blew the horn a few times letting his parents know we were on our way.

Hart got us to the hospital safely and helped me inside explaining to the nurse my water broke and I'm nine months pregnant.

She helped us to a room and started hooking up monitors. "Let's get you checked and see where you are." She said.

Once she checked me she smiled. "Well Mrs. Maverick it won't be long you are already at eight centimeters. I'm sorry but an epidural is out of the question now."

"Well, nothing I can do about that then," I said.

I heard Worth's voice and Hart went out to get them. When Holland came in she rushed over and held my hand. "How are you?"

"Well, the nurse just informed me that I'm eight centimeters and I can't have an epidural but otherwise just peachy." I laughed.

"You are in a better mood this time," Hart said.

"I can change that quickly." I grinned.

Worth grabbed my foot and shook it. "Anything you need?"

"No, but thanks! I'm glad you all are here. Oh Hart can you get me my phone? I need to call Christian."

"Oh yeah, he would be upset if you didn't." He said grabbing my phone out of the bag.

I dialed his number and he answered on the front ring.

☎️ Hey Ayla!

☎️ Hi Christian! I just wanted to call and give you an update. My water broke and I'm in the hospital now and I'm already at eight centimeters so baby girl will be here soon.

☎️ Oh wow you are full of news. Well, have Hart keep me posted ok? Can I get a name yet?

☎️ No you can't get a name yet Christian!

☎️ Well I tried. I love you and remember mom is right there with you.

☎️ I love you too Christian and I know she is. We will keep you posted.

I hung up the phone and handed it back to Hart just as I had a contraction and it was bad.

Holland put a wet rag on my head and Hart was rubbing my arm when the nurse came back in.

"I know I just check you an hour ago but you are moving fast so let's see." She said checking me.

"You are at a ten. Let me call Dr. Terry and get him up here. It's baby time!" She said.

"Hallelujah because I want her out. She's ripping my insides out and my vagina will never be the same." I said.

Hart smirked trying to swallow his laugh. "What are you laughing at? You and your pole are what done this to me."

"I'm really sorry but I love you, Ayla."

I closed my eyes and tried not to push until Dr. Terry walked in the room putting on gloves.

"I'm told it's baby time lets get this show on the road!" He said.

I watched Worth walk out of the room as they pulled the curtain around us. Hart was holding my leg and Holland was helping me count keeping the rag wet on my head.

"Give me a big push Ayla!" Dr. Terry said.

I pushed with all my might and I thought I was going to die. I have never felt pain like this before in my life.

"Alright, I need another big push, Ayla!" Dr. Terry said.

"I'm pushing I don't know what else you want from me!" I screamed as I pushed.

"That a girl give me another one just like that!" Dr. Terry said.

I screamed and pushed with all that I had until I heard her crying.

"She's here Ayla!" Hart said wiping his eyes.

They laid her on my chest and I couldn't take my eyes off of her while Hart cut the cord.

The nurse took her away to clean her up and weigh her. When she walked back over and put the baby in my arms she smiled. "Your baby girl weighs in at 6lbs 7oz and 20 inches long."

Worth walks back in and smiles when he sees his newest granddaughter. "Alright lay the name on us.

"Dad meet Lylah Rae Maverick," Hart said.

"It's nice to meet you Lylah you are one beautiful little girl." Worth said.

We sure do make pretty babies

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We sure do make pretty babies." Hart laughed.

Only one episode left💗

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