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Hart didn't disappoint in that big tub the other night

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Hart didn't disappoint in that big tub the other night. I'm still a little sore and hope I'm not walking funny for the Sunday dinner.

I got a shower and then went to bathe Arrow and get him ready. I couldn't wait to put his new big brother shirt on.

"You're going to be a great big brother Arrow just like your uncle Christian.

Speaking of him I need to call and tell him about the baby since he won't be here today.

I picked up my phone while Arrow was nursing.

☎️ Hey sis!

☎️ What's up?

☎️ The army. What's new with you?

☎️ Well that's why I'm calling actually.

☎️ Oh no what's wrong?

☎️ Nothing is wrong actually. I have good news.

☎️ Spill then.

☎️ Well on Friday we got moved into our new house.

☎️ Oh cool I want pics.

☎️ I have more news.

☎️ Spill Ayla.

☎️ I'm pregnant.

☎️ What? Congrats! How did everyone take it?

☎️ We are telling them today and Arrow has on a neon green shirt with arrows on it and it says promoted to big brother.

☎️ Send me a picture of him ok? I gotta go but I'll see you soon and congrats on everything! I love you, Ayla.

☎️ Be careful Christian! I love you too stay safe.

☎️ I will! Bye!

☎️ Bye.

Hart walked into the room smiling. "He's milk drunk?"

"Seems that way! I just got off the phone with Christian and I told him about the baby since he won't be here."

"How did he take it?"

"He was excited for us. He wants a picture of Arrow in this shirt mind to take one?"

"Sure." He said taking my phone.

I smiled and well Arrow was passed out but you could see the shirt.

"Let me take him and we will head on downstairs," Hart said.

We went out and got on the side by side and headed down to the main house and big tent.

Worth took Arrow right away and I was hoping he would see his shirt but he didn't but Poppy did and looked over at me and smirked.

We eat and talked and Arrow was passed around to different people but no one noticed.

Worth took him again and Hart looked at me and smiled. "Arrow tell Pappy to read your shirt."

Arrow grabbed at his shirt and dad turned him around and sit him on the table. "Let's see what your shirt says."

Worth was quiet and then his eyes got really big. "Promoted to big brother! Ayla! Hart! Another baby?" He asked laughing.

"Yeah, dad another Maverick is coming to the family," Hart said.

"Did everyone see Arrow's shirt?" Worth asked.

Holland walked over and when she read it she started jumping up and down. "Oh my god, another grandbaby!"

"Another baby?" Daniel asked and started clapping.

Everyone came around and congratulated us and then we passed around the sonogram.

"I knew! I could see it in her face." Poppy said.

"We hope to find out what it is soon. I'm hoping for a girl but I'll be happy either way." I said.

Clara passed dessert out and she walked over and hugged me. "I'm so happy for you Ayla. You are a great mom."

"Aww, thanks, Clara." I smiled up at her.

I was trying to hold my tears in. I miss my mom so bad that it hurts and even though all of these people love me it's just not the same.

"I need to use the bathroom. I'll be right back." I told Hart getting up.

I ran into the house and down the hall to the bathroom and shut the door. I placed my palms on the sink and hung my head and cried. I miss you so much, mom. I wish you were here.

There was a light knock on the door. "It's Holland Ayla."

I wiped my eyes and opened the door. She walked in and closed the door and held her arms out and I rushed into them.

We stood there and hugged for at least ten minutes. "I'm sorry I just miss my mom."

"I know you do. My mom is a terrible person and I cut her out of my life long ago but my Aunt Shelly who raised me and Derrick when she died it killed me. She was my mom in every sense of the word and she's just missing out on so much." She said rubbing my back.

"My hormones make it worse but I just want to tell my mom about Arrow and this baby and how great my life is with you guys."

"She knows Ayla. She sees everything and she's proud of you." She said hugging me tighter.

"I hope so. Hart and I wanted another child so that Arrow wouldn't be alone." I sniffed.

"That's how I felt when we had Poppy we knew she needed a sibling and then came Hart when they weren't sure if I could even have kids."

"Wow, two miracles for you. I would like a girl but I won't be upset if it's a boy." I said.

There was a knock at the door. "Ayla are you in there?" Hart asked.

I shook my head at Holland when she opened the door that it was ok and when she did Hart looked surprised.

"Everything ok?"

"Nothing a little girl time can't fix," Holland said walking out.

"Thanks, Holland," I said to her back looking at Hart.

He walked in and shut the door. "Are you ok what's going on?"

"I just got overwhelmed out there watching everyone so happy for us and It was like I was searching the crowd for my mom's face and then I remind myself she's gone and I just broke down."

"I'm sorry Ayla," Hart said pulling me close to him wrapping his arms around me.

"Your mom noticed and came to console me and it was nice. We hugged for like ten minutes. Hart if you never learn anything in life know that you have the best parents." I said.

"I had to learn that the hard way. But I love you, Ayla."

"I love you too Hart." I smiled.

" I smiled

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