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The next night I stayed with mom and Hart came and brought breakfast and then dropped me off at work

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The next night I stayed with mom and Hart came and brought breakfast and then dropped me off at work.

I hated to tell them that I was quitting but the owner understood. She knows how sick mom was and wished me well.

I stayed and worked my shift and then Hart came picked me up and got a strawberry milkshake to go.

Once out to his jeep he walked me around to my door and helped me in and when he got in he looked at me and smiled.

"I hope you don't get mad at me but I sold your old car for scrap money and I took what I got out of that and added some to it and I bought you a vehicle." He said.

"What? Hart no you can't buy me a vehicle." I said.

"You are my girlfriend Ayla and I might not always take you where you need to go if it is to work or to see your mom and well I wanted to and it's too late because I already bought it and it's at my house." He smiled.

"I can't believe you, Hart. I feel so bad." I said.

"Don't feel bad I wanted to Ayla." He said as we started up the road to the Ranch.

When we got to his driveway my mouth dropped when I saw what he bought me.

"You got me a Jeep Cherokee? Omg Hart, I thought it was a used car, not a new one." I said.

"I want to make sure you have a dependable car and I wasn't sure about the color but that Grey color is awesome with black tires." He smiled.

We got out of his jeep and walked over to mine. "Wow, I don't know what to say, Hart."

"You don't have to say anything besides that you like it." He smiled.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed his lips. "I love it and I found our next place to have sex."

"Now you're speaking my language. Let's go for a ride. I already have it tagged and insured all in your name." He smiled.

I kissed him again and got in the driver's side and started it up. I've never had anything new and I just want to bawl my eyes out.

I wiped a tear that has escaped and was smiling at the same time. "Hart thank you from the bottom of my heart."

"I'm glad you like it, Ayla." He smiled.

We took off down the road and toward the long term to check on mom because I plan to spend the night with him tonight.

When we walked in the doctor was in there checking on mom.

"Any change doctor?"

"No I'm afraid not and at this point, I don't think she will be waking up." He said.

"So she will just stay in this state until she dies then?"

"I'm afraid so. We have done everything and she's just not coming out of the coma. I'm sorry."

I sit down in the chair because my air had been knocked out of me.

I felt Hart's hands on my shoulder and I looked up at him and I could barely see him through my tears.

When the doctor walked out I stood up and Hart wrapped his arms around me. "I'm so sorry baby."

"Hart, how is this possible? I thought she would wake up but I guess she's not."

"If you want to stay here with her tonight I completely understand." He said.

"No me staying or not Isn't going to change anything it seems," I said walking around the bed and leaning down kissing her cheek. "I love you mom and don't worry I'm being taken care of."

Hart grabbed my hand and we walked out the door and out to the jeep. I wasn't as happy as I was an hour ago.

"Let's head back to the Ranch and go get some dinner. I know Clara saved some for us." He said.

We pulled up at his place and then walked up the hill to the main house. No one was in the kitchen but he found dinner it was still on the stove.

Clara had made chicken fajitas and Hart grabbed the containers and came over to the table.

"Everyone must be on the front porch because I hear talking. I'm going to let them know we are here eating. Grab us some drinks if you want Ayla." He said.

When he came back Holland and Worth walked in with him.

Holland walked over and behind me and bent down and hugged around my neck. "I'm sorry about your mom Ayla."

"Thank you, Holland." I sniffed.

"So what did you think of your Jeep?" Worth asked smiling.

"I love it. You all are too good to me." I said setting my food down and crying.

"Oh, sweet girl comes here," Holland said as I turned around and she wrapped her arms around me and hugged me tightly.

"Ayla we are all here for you with anything you need don't hesitate to ask." Worth said.

"I appreciate all of you and I don't know how to feel but I need to talk to my brother." I sniffed.

I excused myself to the bathroom and cleaned my face and dialed my brother's number.

☎️ Ayla what's wrong?

☎️ Christian the doctor said there is no hope that she's not going to wake up.

☎️ Please don't cry, Ayla. I'm sorry I can't be there. Are you alone?

☎️ No I'm with the Mavericks. I'll be staying at Hart's tonight. I wanted to call you with my good news but this trumped it.

☎️ Well what's your good news?

☎️ I will be working for Hart's mom Holland at her makeup store and today Hart bought me a new jeep.

☎️ Wow, those people are really nice to you and I cant wait to thank them in person. Send me a picture of this jeep.

☎️ I will. I love you Christian and I'll keep you posted.

☎️ I love you too Ayla and be strong and I'll see you soon.

We hang up and I send him a picture of my jeep and wipe my eyes again before joining Hart and his parents in the kitchen.

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