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A couple of weeks later I'm out in the stables working on Cottons shoes when my phone rang

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A couple of weeks later I'm out in the stables working on Cottons shoes when my phone rang.

☎️ Hello?

☎️ Hey Hart! It's Brody what's up?

☎️ Umm I'm working what's up?

☎️ I'm just bored and thought I would call.

☎️ I'm sorry Brody but I'm a little busy right now with a horse.

☎️ Fine I get it. Meet me at the beer garden at 7 if you want to come out.

☎️ I doubt I'll make it but thanks! Cya later.

I hang up the phone and shake my head. Brody is a trust fund baby and once upon a time I would have been at the beer garden to drink the night away and dance with random girls and go home with a few.

None of that interests me now that I have Ayla. She and the kids are the best things that ever happened to me.

Shit, we haven't come up with a name. That's something we are going to have to do tonight once Arrow is asleep.

I finished up Cotton and walked into the main house to have a drink and Clara was in there cooking.

"It smells good in here Clara," I said.

"I'm making fish tacos for lunch." She smiled.

I went outside and sit on the back stoop and pulled my phone out to check on Ayla. She Insisted she keep working until the baby comes.

📱 Hey how are you doing?

📱 I'm good just stocking while Arrow is with your mom. Are you ok?

📱 Yeah taking a break and drinking some water. Just finished shoeing Cotton.

📱 Sounds like loads of fun. 😛

📱 I can put that tongue to work Ayla.

📱 Oh I'm sure you can Hart. 😉

📱 I'll let you get back to work its almost lunchtime and Clara is making fish tacos. 🤤

📱 Why don't you bring us some? We are hungry.

📱 I can do that. See you in a little bit. I love you, Ayla.

📱 I love you too. ❤️

I walked back inside. "Umm Clara, do you mind if I take some fish tacos down to the store? They are all hungry." I laughed.

"Why sure Hart I will gather them up. It's done now just waiting on them to come inside." She said.

Once she got them all packed up I saw dad on my way out and told him where I was going.

I pulled up at the store and when I walked in Ayla greeted me with a kiss. "Hello, beautiful."

"Hi, there!" Let's go back to the conference room to eat." She said.

"Come on Tiff because you know that Clara sent enough food to feed an army." I laughed.

"Oh, goodie I was hoping she would remember me." Tiff laughed.

We went to the conference room and mom walked in with Arrow and soon after Derrick and Chad walked in and sit down.

"Thanks for bringing this food down we are starving." Uncle Chad said.

"When aren't you?" Mom laughed.

Ayla was holding Arrow and he was jabbering saying different things but mostly mama and dada doo.

I smiled over at him and tickled his side and he giggled. He wanted down on the floor so I put him on the floor on a blanket with his blocks and airplane that he carries everywhere.

Once lunch was over and everyone had cleared out of the room I looked over at Ayla... "I think we need to pick a name tonight."

"I was thinking the same thing. Once we get Arrow down we can go over our list and hopefully agree on something." She smiled.

I cleaned up the trash and kissed her goodbye and headed back to the Ranch to see if anyone needed any help but found Luke out in the yard with Jon Jon and Ryder and Wren.

"Can I play with you guys?" I asked them.

"Uncle Hart of course you can!" Ryder said wrapping his arm around my neck.

"What have you got Jon Jon?"

"A dump truck! Do you want to play with us, Uncle Hart?" He asked.

"Sure give me a car or two," I said laying down in the grass.

I can't wait until Arrow is old enough that I can do this with them in the yard.

Wren was on my back saying giddy up horsie.

"Wrenbird I'm not a horse!"

"Oh yes, you are now make the noise Uncle Hart." She giggled.

When Ayla pulled up with Arrow she got out and headed toward the porch to swing until dinner was ready.

Once mom was home dinner was ready and we all went in to sit down to eat.

"What's on the menu darling?" Roger asked.

"BBQ chicken and sides." She said.

"Those fish tacos were delicious Clara," Ayla said.

"I'm glad you liked them, sweetie." She said placing bowls on the table.

"Chicken is my favorite!" Jon Jon said.

Once dinner was over and we were home laying in bed we grabbed our notepads to see what names we come up with.

"I still want her middle name to be Rae after my mom if your ok with that Hart."

"That's perfectly fine with me. How about this name for her first name? It pretty much rhymes with your name." I said showing her.

She wrote both names down on the paper and said it a few times out loud and looked over at me. "I love it! Are you sure you are ok with those two names?"

"I'm more than ok with that name. I think it's beautiful as she will be because she's going to look like you." I said leaning over kissing her lips.

"I hope she looks like me. I mean Arrow looks just like you. No denying that boy." She laughed.

"I would never deny him. I love that kid and I can't wait until I can lay in the grass and play with him like I did the other kids today."

"I saw Wren on your back." She laughed.

"Yeah, she told me I was a horse and to make sounds." I laughed.

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