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The next day after breakfast was over I went up to Poppy's house with her to help her with the party stuff

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The next day after breakfast was over I went up to Poppy's house with her to help her with the party stuff.

Lilly was busy and couldn't come up and so was Tiff so I will help her all I can while the kids are asleep.

Once we got the babies down to sleep we started working on things. "So what kind of party does she want?"

"She said baby dolls so I'm guessing something with dolls. I need to go to the celebration store. Do you want to go with me?"

"If you want me to I can. We can take the babies with us if you want. They should just sleep." I said.

"Ok, let's go. I'm sure dad will watch the kids for me. I can't take those two wild cats to the store without Luke." She laughed.

We gathered up the sleeping babies and put them in her truck and head down to the main house.

"I'll be right back I'm going to step in and tell dad and hope the kids don't see me." She laughed.

I checked on the boys and they were sound asleep. I decided maybe I should text Hart and let him know where I am.

📱 Hey! I'm going with your sister to the celebration store. I have Arrow with me. Be back shortly. Love youuuuuu.

📱 Ok Ayla! You guys have fun and be careful. I love you too.

I put my phone back in my purse when Poppy walked out. "Well, I have a couple of kids in there crying because they can't come."

"Oh goodness well, maybe I can color with them later or something," I said.

"Those kids love you Ayla and I'm so happy you are in our lives. I never dreamed bringing you that makeup would turn into all this." She laughed.

"I just told Hart last night I can't believe this is my life now."

"What do you mean Ayla?"

"Oh gosh, nothing bad. All good things. I never dreamed I would be where I am now and have a baby with Hart. It's all unreal but I'm happy to be a part of a family. My mom would love you guys."

"I wish I could have met her Ayla. You and Christian are the sweetest people." She said as we pulled up.

Poppy ran in and grabbed two buggies and we loaded the boys up and went in to shop.

There were two girls in there that were staring at us and whispering and I looked at Poppy and she just ignored it.

"Excuse us but are you, Poppy and Ayla?" One girl asked.

"Yup that's us." Poppy said.

"Oh gosh can I have both of your autographs?" She asked.

"Really? You want my autograph?" I asked shocked.

"Yes! Holland posted on Instagram yesterday that you're coming out with a pallet Ayla." The girl said.

"She did? I have been picking colors but didn't know anything else plus I did just had a baby." I laughed.

"Well, we can't wait until it comes out and Poppy we love your lip gloss!" The other girl said giggling.

We signed the paper the girl handed us and we took pictures. "Thanks, guys!" I smiled.

"No thank you so much!" The girls giggle and walk away.

"That was interesting and weird that someone wanted my autograph. I'm just poor Ayla from the trailer park."

"Hey, don't say that. I value you as a person and your friendship and I'm so happy that you're my sister Ayla."

"You're going to make me cry in this celebration store Poppy." I laughed.

"Ok let's get creepy dolly decorations." She laughed.

We got a bunch of stuff for the party and then went by a cake place and she ordered a doll cake.

"Want to go get a milkshake just because?" Poppy asked.

"Sure plus I'm sure the owners would love to meet Arrow." I smiled over at her.

When we walked in with the babies the owners rushed over to our table. "Oh, Ayla let us see that beautiful baby."

"This is Arrow." I smiled.

"Oh, he's so handsome!" She gushed.

"This is my sister-in-law Poppy and that's River." I smiled.

"Oh, he's so handsome too. I love your parent's sweetie they are the best!" She said.

"Thank you!" Poppy smiled.

"What can I get you?" She asked.

"I'll take a cheeseburger with onion rings and a strawberry milkshake please," I said.

"I'll have what she's having!" Poppy said.

When they walked away I looked over at Poppy. "You're not are you?"

"God no I just want to eat all that greasy food." Poppy laughed.

"Just checking! I know we are being careful because I don't want another baby so soon." I said.

"Oh shit! Don't turn around but Tacha's dad just walked in."

"Really? I don't know him I don't think." I said.

"He's coming this way." She said.

I got nervous and my hands begin to sweat and shake a little bit. He walked up to our table.

"Poppy!" He said.

"Oscar." She said.

"I'm sorry to interrupt but I wanted to come over to the table and apologize for Tacha's actions against Miss Fox." He said.

I finally looked up at him. "I'm Ayla and it's Maverick now," I said.

"Oh I'm so sorry I didn't know what you looked like but I wanted to apologize for her actions."

"I appreciate that Mr. Moss but it's not for you to apologize for. You didn't cause the accident." I said.

"I'm aware but I'm not sure what got into her." He said.

"I'm not sorry to say that I'm happy she got some time and has to pay a fine and got her license took away. I hope she never does that to someone else." I said.

"I feel the same way Mrs. Maverick."

"She could have killed me and my son but that's neither here nor there. It's just simply not your fault. Let me buy you lunch." I smiled at him.

"That's awfully nice of you Mrs. Maverick but thank you I'm starving." He smiled before walking off to a table.

"Your kindness astounds me, Ayla." Poppy said.

"That's just who my mom raised me to be." I smiled back at her.

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