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Life has been crazy since we brought Lylah home

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Life has been crazy since we brought Lylah home.

So many things have happened. We had our first anniversary and then Arrow turned one and just the adjustment of life with two babies is hectic.

Ayla handles it all like a champ. She is such a good mom and every day when I look in my children's eyes I can't believe they are mine and I have such a great life.

We most definitely would have needed this bigger house and I'm so glad Ayla was on board to let dad build it.

Poppy is done having babies are so are we but looks like Uncle Austin and Aunt Rosa are about to adopt another little boy but from Korea this time and his name is Clay and we can't wait to welcome him into the family.

"Hart where are you?" Ayla called out.

"Out on the patio with Arrow," I said.

She walked out holding Lylah in her arms. "I guess Arrow wanted to swim?"

"Yeah, he was begging. I think Pappy is going to have to build us a big pool on the Ranch." I said.

"Oh a pool sounds so nice and I bet Worth would get right on it if he knew Arrow wanted one." She laughed.

I pulled out my phone and called dad.

☎️ What's up son?

☎️ Arrow has something to say to you dad.

"Go ahead Arrow tell Pappy what you want."

☎️ Pappy pool!

☎️ Hart is he wanting a pool?

☎️ Yeah a big pool so we can swim with him.

I looked over at Ayla and grinned and she was shaking her head.

☎️ We can get right on that tomorrow Arrow ok?

☎️ Kay Pappy.

☎️ I know you put him up to it Hart but a pool would be nice for all the kids. So listen don't forget Sunday dinner at 12.

☎️ We won't forget see you soon dad.

"I can't believe you done that to your dad Hart."

"What? Arrow wants a pool." I laughed.

Come lunchtime we drove down and headed toward the tent where most everyone had already gathered.

We sit down and everyone was making over Lylah and how much she looked like Ayla.

Someone walked up behind Ayla's chair. "She's as beautiful as my sister."

Ayla turned around when she heard his voice. "Christian! Oh my god, what are you doing here?"

"I'm home for good if you guys can put up with me." He grinned.

Ayla handed me Lylah and jumped up and wrapped her arms around his neck. "I'm so happy to have you home."

"Don't worry I won't cramp your style Brennon said I can stay with him." He smiled.

"I know mom is smiling down on us. Knowing that we are together again and there will be no distance between us and you can watch your niece and nephew grow up."

"I'm looking forward to it sis. Now can I hold my niece?" He asked.

I watched Christian hold Lylah and I looked around at each face and smiled. Coming from a big family has its perks and there is nowhere else I would rather be.

After we eat mom was holding Lylah and so I got Ayla by the hand and led her over to the gazebo.

"What are we doing Hart?"

"May I have this dance?" I asked her.

"You may have all of my dances Hart." She giggled.

We danced around to no music and I just held her tight in my arms. "I never dreamed when I came into the diner the girl that worked in there would change my life."

"I never dreamed when you left me that big tip that you also gave me your heart."

I leaned down and placed my lips on hers. "I love you, Ayla."

"I love you too Hart." She smiled kissing me again.

" She smiled kissing me again

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As the saying goes... All good things must come to an end but I'm not sure this is the end just yet. 🤔😉🥰💗

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