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I heard Arrow babbling on the monitor and it woke me up

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I heard Arrow babbling on the monitor and it woke me up.

I looked over at the clock and it was 8 am. Wow, I slept a long time.

I got out of the bed and walked down the hall and Arrow was smiling at me playing with a plush toy airplane.


"Morning Arrow! Are you ready to get your diaper changed and eat and go to work with momma?" I asked.

He babbled while I got him ready for the day and then I fed him before getting ready myself.

When I walked into work Chad took Arrow to Holland's room and put him in his walker and usually, he's content with that.

"Morning Tiff! How was the rest of your night?" I asked smiling.

"By that smile on your face, you had a great night as well." She giggled.

"That husband of mine is something else and always full of surprises." I smiled opening a box.

We were doing a restock today of my second pallet and that's why it was so busy in the store.

Derrick walked out with a couple of boxes. "We also ordered more of the first pallet so if you girls don't mind to get them out on the shelves too."

"We can do that," I said taking a box from him.

"Girl let me do the lifting you just put them on the shelf," Tiff said.

"With a restock I wonder if Myra will be coming in?"

"I'm not sure but I'm not comfortable with what the guys told us about her," Tiff said.

"No me either but I'm not sure about confronting her," I said.

"Why not? I mean she knew who you were and she needs to know you know." Tiff said.

We stocked and they would sell out quickly and then we would have to stock again.

Right before we closed Myra walked in. I looked at Tiff and she looked at me and motioned for me to walk over to her.

"Hi, Myra!" I said.

"Hi there Ayla! I saw a restock and wanted to come and get both pallets." She smiled.

"Can I ask you a question?" I asked.

"Sure what's up?"

"Why didn't you tell me that Tacha is your sister?"

"Umm... How did you know she's, my sister?"

"That's beside the point," I said.

"Look Ayla I wanted to hate you because I mean she didn't like you and well neither did I until I met you and talked to you and realized you were a sweet person." She said.

"But you knew who I was and of course who Hart was when you saw us right?"

"Well sorta. Hart is older than me but I knew his name because Tacha was so crazy always talking about him but I'm really sorry for what she has done to you and she's where she needs to be." She said.

"It's not for you to apologize for. Same thing I told your dad when I saw him at the diner." I said.

"He didn't mention it to me. He raised us on his own and he feels like he has failed  and I tried to tell him he can't help what Tacha did."

"No, he can't help it no more than you can. I just wanted to make sure we weren't going to have a problem." I said.

"No problem here and I'm glad she didn't hurt your family so can we be friends?"

"Sure but in-store only." I laughed.

"Deal now when is the next pallet coming out?" She asked.

"According to Holland very soon but we haven't picked colors just yet. Will probably be after our baby girl comes." I said rubbing my belly.

"Congrats! Looks like you don't have long left." She said as we walked to the register.

"Nope, not too much longer. Maybe a month or so." I said.

Once she left Tiff walked over. "Well, what did she say?"

"She apologized for what Tacha did and said she's where she needs to be so I don't think she's a threat at all."

"Well, it's good to know."

Holland called my name and I went back to her office. "Hey, why don't you go on home. I will bring Arrow with me because Hart has something planned for the two of you."

"Ooh, I love surprises. Are you sure? I don't mind taking him."

"No strict orders from Hart now you go on home." She laughed.

"Ok, I'm leaving. His diaper bag is with Chad." I said.

I drove home and when I pulled up Hart was waiting on the front porch for me with flowers in hand.

"What's going on?"

"I just want you to feel special and we are going down to the gazebo to have dinner for two." He said leaning in for a kiss.

"Sounds fancy." I smiled.

We rode down to the gazebo and the lights were on and a little table was sitting inside with candlelight.

"Wow, this is something else, Hart," I said as we sit down.

Brennon came down with our food and it was Swedish meatballs my favorite.

"Oh goodness, baby girls favorite!" I giggled.

"I know that's why I asked Clara to make it for us but before we eat I have something for you."

"What would that be?" I asked.

He pulled out a small box and handed it over to me. "I got this for you today."

I opened it up and it was a cute necklace with an A charm dangling off of it in diamonds.

"Oh, Hart I love it! What is this for? Did I miss our anniversary or something?"

"No, it's just a because I love you gift. You are the best wife and mom and I couldn't love you more if I tried and I just wanted to." He said.

"Can you put it on me please?" I asked smiling at him.

"Of course I can Ayla." He stands up and walks behind me and puts the necklace on me and bends down and kisses the side of my neck.

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