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I'm nervous about this Sunday dinner but I'm waiting on Hart to come to pick me up

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I'm nervous about this Sunday dinner but I'm waiting on Hart to come to pick me up.

I feel like the little poor girl who needs all the help. This isn't a lie but I feel horrible and I'm so nervous.

I walked over and squeezed Mom's hand even though she didn't respond. "I love you, mom!"

Hart walked in and I smiled when I saw him. "Grab your bag so you can shower and get ready at my place."

"Ok then lead the way," I said.

I kiss mom bye and tell the nurse I would be out for a while to call if she needs me.

Once in the Jeep, I was so nervous meeting all of these people that probably see me as a charity case.

"What's going on in that mind of yours Ayla?"

"I'm just nervous. I know I'm a charity case and I hate to be viewed like that."

"Ayla my family may be rich but they aren't like that I promise you."

We pulled off on a dirt road and a big sign that said Marble Falls Ranch.

When we went around this big curve this huge house came into view. "Oh wow is that the main house?"

"Yeah that it is and all these houses belong to family members. That one on the end is mine." He said.

"Wow, these are really nice," I said looking around.

He helped me out of the jeep and carried my bag inside. I couldn't help but look around and it was so nice.

"So what do you think?" He asked.

"I've never lived in a nice place like this," I said.

"Poppy, Luke, and Ryder lived here until Dad built her a house up behind the main house." He said.

"Do they have room for the new baby?" I asked.

"Of course they do." He laughed pulling me into a room.

"The bathroom is right in there and take your time and use whatever you want and I'll be laying on the bed waiting on you." He said.

"Thank you so much Hart I appreciate it." I smiled walking into the bathroom.

I cut on the light and there laid all new stuff. Shampoo and conditioner and soap and even a new toothbrush.

I get in the shower and wash my hair and try to hurry and get out and put my clothes on in the bathroom this time and brush my teeth and put on a little makeup and comb out my hair.

I open the door and Hart smiles at me. "I just need to straighten my hair really quick."

"Take your time. We still have thirty minutes before everyone starts to gather." He said.

"So who all will be there?' I asked.

"Oh gosh umm both sets of grandparents umm Lukes parents and my parents and then usually Poppy's BFF Lilly and her boyfriend Garth umm my cousin Brennon and Damion. Oh and Clara and her husband Roger and my four uncles and two of them have wives." He said.

"Oh wow half the town." I laughed.

"Yeah and my moms brother Derrick is married to my dad sister Emma."

"Wow!" She laughed.

"Well you look beautiful Ayla and it's going to be fine I promise." He said sitting on the side of the bed.

I walk over to where he is and stand in front of him. Do you think this is ok? I'm a jeans kind of girl." I said.

"I love what you have on." He said standing up walking closer to me.

I leaned up against his dresser and he came closer to me pressing his body against mine.

I looked up into his eyes and he caressed my face and run his finger across my lip before leaning in and kissing me.

I wrapped my arms around his neck as he deepened the kiss. He sits me up on the dresser and stood between my legs as our kiss became more passionate.

When we broke the kiss I looked at him. "Oh shit, you better wipe your lips off unless you want to wear one of your sister's colors." I giggle.

"I'd wear anything for you, Ayla." He winked.

Once he cleaned up we walked out of the house and up the hill to the main house and my knees were knocking.

When we made it to the tent a few people were sitting around and as soon as Poppy saw me she came over to hug me.

"Ayla I'm so glad that you are here!" She smiled.

"I'm nervous but I'm happy to be here." I smiled back at her.

Worth walked out and smiled when he saw me. "Ayla I'm glad you could make it."

"Thank you, Worth I'm glad I could be here." I smiled.

Hart introduced me to his family and cousins and grandparents and his grandpa Daniel was so sweet.

Once we all gathered around the table Daniel wanted to say grace and when he asked everyone to pray for my mom a few tears leaked out of my eyes.

Hart squeezed my hand under the table as Amen went all around the table.

I have never seen so much food in my life. I didn't even know where to start.

Poppy was beside me. "Do like me Ayla just take a little of everything." She laughed.

"That sounds good. I don't know where to start but I've had Clara's cooking every day thanks to Hart."

"That's my brother for you. He's a sweetheart." Poppy said.

Ryder was beside Hart and they were talking back and forth when Ryder said my name.

"Ayla Ayla! I made your mom a get-well card." He smiled.

"You did? Thank you so much Ryder she will love it and I will hang it up in her room." I smiled.

Hart looked over at me and smiled and I had to blink back tears because that was the sweetest thing.

"So Ayla how did you meet Hart?" Brennon asked.

"At the diner down the road where I work," I said.

"Oh, that's cool. We wondered why Hart didn't come home for dinner sometime." He laughed.

"Yeah, I was there getting a strawberry shake." Hart laughed.

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