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How is she gone? It's weird not being able to see her the last two days

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How is she gone? It's weird not being able to see her the last two days. The Mavericks have been so good to us that I haven't had to worry about a thing.

I'm sitting on the bathroom floor hugging the toilet when there was a knock at the door.

"Sis you ok in there?"

"You can open the door Christian I'm hugging the toilet," I said.

He opened the door and sit on the floor across from me. "What's going on?"

"I think nerves. This is goodbye and its final Christian and if I didn't have all of these wonderful people around I would be alone."

"I'm sorry your alone. If nothing else I would bring you back with me to live close to where I am. I'm sorry my career choice keeps me away from you." He said.

"Christian it's fine I promise and I understand and you have to live your dream and mom would want that too. Believe me, I am happy here with Hart and his family." I said.

"I know you are happy here and I can tell how much Hart loves you and I'm happy for you sis."

"Thank you!" I smiled at him before puking again.

"I'm going to run-up to the main house and ask for something to help with that." He said.

I put my head between my legs and tried to not think so much about what is happening today.

When Christian walked back in Holland was behind him.

"Oh, sweet girl what's wrong?" She asked.

"I think nerves to be honest. I'm so nervous about today." I said.

Holland handed me a cup of anti-nausea meds and I swallowed it down. "Thank you, Holland."

"Let's get you in the shower and dressed. I can stay around if you want." She said.

"I appreciate that but I can shower. But I have nothing to wear. The last dress I wore was Poppy's." I said.

"Ok, I'll run up to Poppy's and come back with you a dress ok?" She said.

"Thank you so much, Holland," I said standing up.

Once on my feet, she wrapped me in her arms. "I love you Ayla and if you need anything you know I'm here."

I choked up... "Thank you so much."

Once Holland left I took a shower and when I got out there was a black dress on the bed with some black heels as well.

While putting some makeup on Hart walked in. "Hey, Ayla."

"Hey, Hart. Your mom came by and brought me some anti-nausea meds and a dress and shoes from Poppy." I said.

"I saw her as I walked in and then Christian told me as well." He said.

I looked up at him. "I'm not sure why I'm putting makeup on because I'm just going to cry it off," I said.

"It's ok if you do. Is there anything I can do for you?" He asked.

"No, but thank you. You have done so much for me already." I said.

Once dressed we joined Christian in the living room. "I'm sorry I didn't bring any clothes with me so army clothes it is." He said.

"Mom was proud of you and loved you in your fatigues so it's ok Christian," I said.

He walked over and hugged me and all three of us went up toward the stables where there is a field behind it and they had it all nice with a white table cloth covering a table and a bunch of flowers sitting around the urn with some pictures of mom.

I walked up to the urn and put my hand on it. "I love you, mom."

I could feel warmth all around me and everyone had their hands on my shoulders holding me and Christian up.

I'm not sure who got the pictures but I loved everything about it.

After a few words were said about her Holland and Worth stood up with a cage of doves and released them in Mom's honor and that broke me.

These people never met my mom but they showed her more respect than people did when she was alive.

I stood up because I wanted to share a few words. Christian stood beside me.

"My mom was a hard worker. Growing up we didn't have much but we had love. She worked three jobs to provide for Christian and me."

Christian squeezed my hand.

"She would have loved all of you and this great send-off we are giving her. She had a saying and it was go off and do great things and be beautiful as you do it. So mom I wish you nothing but the best making your journey and be beautiful doing it." I choked out.

Christian put his arm around me. "I just want to thank you all for helping my mom and Ayla when I couldn't be here. We appreciate it more than you know. Mom didn't tell me to be beautiful she told me to kick ass and take names and that's what I plan to keep doing." He laughed.

We concluded the service with Mom's favorite church song I'll fly away. It seemed appropriate.

I had myself so worked up that I had to excuse myself to go puke in some high weeds out of sight.

Hart came running up to me. "Ayla are you ok?"

"I'm just sick again. I know it's nerves and I'm sorry. Do you have any gum on you?" I asked.

"I don't but I'm sure mom does." He said.

When he came back he handed me a piece of double mint gum. "Thanks maybe this will help.

After the service, Hart took Mom's urn down to our house and we had lunch under the tent.

Poppy sit down beside me and leaned over to whisper in my ear. "Listen if that puking persists you might want to take a pregnancy test Ayla."

I looked at her with shock on my face... "Oh shit."

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