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In the back of my mind, all I could think about was that pregnancy test I bought the other day but I have yet to take it

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In the back of my mind, all I could think about was that pregnancy test I bought the other day but I have yet to take it.

I finished putting my makeup on and was getting ready for work when Hart walked in.

"Morning Ayla." He said kissing my cheek.

"Good morning handsome." I smiled at him.

"Even though I stink like manure?" He laughed.

"Yeah that's not attractive but you are." I smiled.

"So are you going to work all day?" He asked.

"Yeah, I plan on it. I need to keep my mind off of things and working will help." I said.

"I hope you had a good time at the beer garden with my friends." He said.

"Tiffany cracked me up. She really didn't like Brody at all but she thought Ky was cute." I smiled.

"Brody is a man whore and he usually rubs girls the wrong way." He said.

"Well, I could see that. Ok, I got to get going. Love you, Hart."

"I love you too Ayla. See you this evening." He said.

I went out to my Jeep and headed to the store. I pulled up around the same time Tiffany did.

"Morning Ayla!" She said carrying a coffee cup.

"Morning Tiff!" I smiled walking toward her.

We walked in and greeted Sidney and got started right away stocking items. I was stocking lipglosses and Tiff was stocking eyeshadow.

Holland walked in and she walked over and hugged me. "How are you, sweet girl?"

"I'm doing ok but thanks for asking Holland." I smiled.

"If you guys need anything you know where I will be. I'm working on some apple mist spray."

"Oh, I know that will smell good." Tiff smiled.

"So what did you think of the other night?" I asked her.

"Ky was really cute. Is he single?" She asked.

"I think so. Hart was saying this morning that Brody is a man whore." I laughed.

"Well, I believe it. He was cringy. So I saw you drinking a mocktail how come?" She asked.

"I don't like alcohol it tastes nasty," I said.

We finished up what we were doing and were sorting eyelashes when Hart walked in with some flowers.

"These are for you, Ayla." He smiled leaning in for a kiss.

"You two make me sick." Tiff laughed.

"Tiff wants to know if Ky is single. She thought he was cute." I said sniffing my flowers.

"Oh, he's single. I'll ask him if I can give out his number." He said getting his phone out of his back pocket.

I looked over at Tiff and winked and she grinned really big.

"I texted you his number. He said hit him up." Hart smiled.

"Thanks, guys!" She smiled.

"What are you doing here with these beautiful flowers?" I asked.

"I had to do a few errands and I wanted to stop in and bring you these." He smiled.

"Well, I love them, Hart. I love you too!" I smiled at him.

"Want to go in the bathroom?" He smirked.

"You're wanting to have sex in the bathroom in your mom's building?" I giggled.

"Well, it could be daring." He smiled.

"I think that's a little too risky Hart." I laughed.

"Fine another time then. I'll see you at home." He said leaning in for a kiss.

I watched him walk out of the door and I smiled smelling my roses. He is such a sweetheart.

I went to the kitchen and put them in some water when Holland walked through. "Where did you get those?"

"Hart brought them to me just a little bit ago." I smiled.

"Well isn't he sweet! He didn't even come to say hi to his mom." She laughed.

"He said he was out running errands," I said.

"I have some new lip glosses in Poppy's name that will be launching tomorrow so I want to get them on the shelf. I didn't ask her to come to sign them being all pregnant but they should be a hit so if you girls don't mind to stock up a bunch." Holland said.

"Oh, Tiff and I can knock that out no problem." I smiled taking the box and walking out front to find Tiff.

She was helping a customer and when I looked up I noticed it was Daisy and I know she will want her hands on these.

"Hi, Daisy!" I smiled.

"Oh Hi Ayla! I'm so sorry to hear about your mom."

"Thank you Daisy I appreciate that. I'm not sure if you know but Poppy's new lipglosses come out tomorrow morning and I have them right here." I smiled.

"Ooooh, can I at least get a look?" She laughed.

"Of course you can. I mean I don't think Holland would mind." I said.

"What would I mind?" Holland asked walking up.

"If I show Daisy the lipglosses coming out tomorrow."

"Of course I don't mind Daisy seeing them. She's family." She said.

"Oh goodness you know I have to have a bunch of these." Daisy laughed.

"And I'm sure you will be the first in line Daisy." Holland laughed.

Once she gave them back to me I took them over to the shelves and begin putting them out.

Once Daisy left Holland locked the door and Tiff helped me to get them on the shelves for in the morning.

We locked up and once in my Jeep I almost headed the wrong way and go to long term. It still just doesn't register that she's gone.

Tears fell down my face as I pulled under the Ranch sign. I wiped my eyes and parked.

I took a deep breath and then thought about the pregnancy stick and I really need to quit avoiding it and take the test.

When I walked into the house Hart wasn't there so I figured he was checking on the animals.

I went into the bathroom and grabbed the stick and took the test. I paced the bathroom floor until the timer went off.

I turned the stick over and looked at it right as Hart called out my name.

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