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I am so glad to bring Ayla home

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I am so glad to bring Ayla home. I carried her inside and she giggled as I took her to the bedroom.

"Hart you know I can walk right?" She laughs.

"I know you can but well it was practice for after we get married." I winked at her.

"I guess since I'm laid up for a few days I could work on the wedding." She said.

"That you can but first call your brother while I run up to the main house and get some food for us," I said.

"Sounds good I'm sure Christian will be ready to talk. Maybe he can tell me when he can come in and we can really plan the wedding." She said.

I walked over to the bed and leaned down and kissed her. "I will be right back."

I ran up the hill and into the main house and everyone was welcoming us back. "I came for food and Ayla is comfy in the bed."

"When will she be up for visitors? I would love to see her." Poppy said.

"I'm sure she would love to see you too so anytime Poppy," I said.

"I'll stop by in the morning because Ryder has drawn her a few pictures and wants to give them to her." Poppy said.

"Is Aunt Ayla home?" Ryder asked.

"She is and so bring your pictures with you in the morning when you come to visit ok?" I said to him.

"What about me?" Wren asked.

"You can come too Wrenbird." I smiled at her.

Clara gave me a big shopping bag full of food and a kiss on the cheek. "Tell Ayla I hope to see her soon."

"Thanks, Clara! See you all later." I said heading back to our place. When I walked in I heard her laughing on the phone and that laugh sounds so sweet.

I took the food to the kitchen and put it out on plates and well Clara doesn't disappoint. She knows how much Ayla loves her chicken carbonara and that's what is in the bag along with some apple pie and some of Poppy's brownies.

When I walked in the room carrying a tray she hangs up the phone. "Oh gosh is that carbonara I smell?"

"You know it is. Clara knows it's your favorite. So how was Christian?"

"He's great now that I'm home and he said he can come here in three weeks. So I called Tiff and she said it's doable to get this wedding-ready in three weeks and we can marry on that Saturday." She said.

"What is that date?" I asked.

"The 8th." She smiled.

"The 8th it is then." I smiled sitting on the bed beside her.

"You know my mom said you shouldn't eat in bed." She laughed.

"Well my mom didn't cook so she did not need to say that but Clara said you only eat at the table." I smiled.

We eat and then I took the dishes and put everything away and cleaned up before going back to the bedroom.

"Hart, would you help me shower? I need one really bad." She said.

"Of course I will. I'm sure that will make you feel better too." I said helping her off the bed.

I helped her into the shower and we took a shower together. I loved being able to hold her in my arms again.

"Before I forget Poppy and the kids are coming to visit you in the morning. Ryder has you more pictures." I said.

"Oh, I cant wait to see them. Did you tell everyone to leave me alone tonight or something?" She asked.

"No I didn't but I think they all know you need your rest," I said drying off her legs.

"Have the police said anything about Tacha or her vehicle Hart?"

"Not that I know of. They haven't called yet. I just hope she's in custody because she's crazy Ayla."

I helped her back over to the bed and put some ointment on all of her scratches. She has a huge bruise on her back and thigh but I'm so happy that she's ok.

We got in bed and she laid her head on my chest. "I'm really sorry what I put you through Hart."

"Hey listen to me... It wasn't your fault Ayla and I would do it all over again as long as you and the baby are ok."

She raised up and kissed my lips a couple of times. "I'm so happy to be home and I'm happy the baby is ok and that we now have a wedding date. I guess I need to tell your mom tomorrow."

"Oh, you know you do. She's going to want to buy stuff and help as much as she can." I said kissing the top of her head.

"Those pain pills make me sleepy." She yawns.

"I'm tired too so let's try and get some sleep. I have an early morning date with Champ." I laughed.

"I love you, Hart."

"I love you too Ayla... Goodnight."

The next morning the alarm clock went off at 6 am and when I opened my eyes Ayla was still laying on my chest asleep.

"Ayla I need to get up," I said kissing the top of her head.

"Ok." She said moving off of me and turning over. Ayla most definitely wasn't an early bird.

I got up and got dressed and headed up to the stables to check Champ's shoes.

When I walked into the stables Luke was in there feeding animals and Brennon was mucking the stalls.

"Morning guys!"

"Morning! How's Ayla doing?" Luke asked.

"She's doing ok. Still asleep and very sore but a shower and her stomach full last night were good for her." I laughed.

"Yeah because Clara made her chicken carbonara and we didn't even get that." Brennon laughed.

"Oh, she didn't make it for everyone?" I asked.

"No we had tacos with sides," He said.

"Sorry man because it sure was good." I laughed.

"Just rub in it, Hart." Brennon laughed.

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