The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies

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     Valadhiel ran through one of the halls, her heart racing as she ran. Not only was it because she was running, however. She turned her head to look behind her and flinched when Smaug rounded the corner, sliding into a wall since he didn't bother to slow down around the bend.

"You think you can outrun me, Vala?" Smaug growled. "You never were able to before!"

"That was back when I was a youngling; what would you know now?" Valadhiel hissed in reply, leaping and flapping her wings to help her get further ahead. She turned around another corner after a moment. She had kept him distracted long enough. The dwarves should have gotten the trap in the Halls Of Kings prepared by this time. She would have set the trap, but she insisted on distracting Smaug. It was safer for her to do so.

"Why help these dwarves, Vala? Do you really want me dead?"

"Of course not, but you leave us with no other choice!" Valadhiel exclaimed, and when she reached the hall of kings, she flew up toward the ceiling, shifted in mid flight, and then she landed on a thick, sturdy beam.

Smaug caught sight of Bilbo and inhaled before he growled. "You thought you could deceive me, Barrel Rider? You have come from Laketown. There is some sort of scheme hatched between these filthy dwarves and those miserable cup trading Lake men. Those sniveling cowards with their longbows and black arrows!" He lowered his voice. "Perhaps it is is time I paid them a visit."

Bilbo's eyes widened. "This isn't their fault! Wait! You cannot go to Laketown!"

"You care about them, do you? Good. You can watch them die." Smaug turned to leave, but he whirled around and roared in pain when he felt someone's sharp jaws clamp on his tail.

Valadhiel had heard what had been said, so she'd shifted back into her dragon form and clamped her jaws onto his tail, then she let go when Thorin shouted at him.

"Here, you witless worm!"

"You!" Smaug growled.

"I am taking back what you stole."

"You would take nothing from me, Dwarf." Smaug said as he stalked towards Thorin. "I laid low your warriors of old. I instilled terror in the hearts of men." He was now level with Thorin. "I am King under the Mountain."

"This is not your kingdom. These are dwarf lands, this is dwarf gold, and we will have our revenge." Thorin said before yanked a rope and revealed a gold statue of a Dwarf.

Smaug stared at it, his eyes widening as he beheld it. Valadhiel sensed greed, awe and desire filling his heart. The statue suddenly began to melt down, and Smaug stumbled back, but soon he was beneath the pool of gold.

Thorin smiled victoriously, but it faded when the Great Worm emerged from the gold.

"Ah! Revenge?!" Smaug shouted in pain and anger, his voice booming through the halls. "Revenge?! I will show you revenge!" He ran down the hall, leaving a golden trail behind him.

"Smaug, wait!" Valadhiel called out.

     Smaug continued running towards the wall.

"Smaug!" Valadhiel lowered her ears and looked back at the Dwarves before looking back at Smaug and shouting; "Father!"

     Smaug stopped in his tracks, and everyone's jaws dropped to the floor. All, that is, but Thorin and Bilbo. Smaug turned to look at Valadhiel.

"So, you finally reveal who you really are?" He said in a deep rumbling voice. "It took you long enough."

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