The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey

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(DISCLAIMER: I do not own the song above, nor do I own the poem below. The poem below is J.R.R. Tolkien's, and the song above is the film adaptation.)



Valadhiel smiled when they walked into the Needlehole, which was a part of the Shire. It had been a long time since she had been in the peaceful land of the halflings other than for just passing through, and she had missed it very much, even if most of the hobbits weren't so fond of her company.

She had been traveling with the dwarves for quite some time, and they had recently gotten out of Elven Lands, for which the dwarves seemed relieved, even though the elves they had encountered had been very polite and welcoming despite some of the dwarves being rather rude.

Now that they were in the Needlehole, she stopped and looked at the dwarves before sending some ahead of them, Dwalin being the first, then Balin being next. She then had Fili and Kili follow behind Balin, and she then had some stay back with her. Once enough time had passed, she decided the rest of them could make their way to Bilbo's house.

"From here we will walk through the Rushock Bog, then we reach Hobbiton. Gandalf said to go up a hill once we enter Hobbiton, and look for the hobbit-hole with the mark he left. Gandalf said the door was green; that won't help us much if there are more green doors, though. I would just search for the mark Gandalf left."

"Gandalf is to be meeting us soon, correct?" Thorin asked, looking over at Valadhiel after a moment.

"He'd said he would meet us in Hobbiton before you and I even set out for your halls." Valadhiel replied, looking over at the tall, handsome dwarf. She looked away from him after a moment when she felt a tingle go along her spine for a brief moment, then she began walking. "We'd better go meet him now."

"Is this hobbit expecting us?" Bofur asked after a moment, looking at the elvish skinchanger. After their journey together, he wasn't as cautious around her, though he still didn't talk to her very much, and he would certainly never try to wake her up again.

"I would think so. Then again, Gandalf is the one that planned much of this, so there's a chance the poor halfling has no idea about any of this." Valadhiel said in response, leading the way.

After a little while of walking, they reached the river in Hobbiton, and Gandalf was indeed waiting there. Evening had come about now, and the sun was setting by now. "Dori, Nori, Ori, Oin, and Gloin arrived only minutes ago." Gandalf informed them once they got there, then he began walking up the hill. "Now it's time for us to arrive."

"This hobbit will be willing to help us?" Thorin asked Gandalf, walking alongside him now. "None of these people seem to like outsiders, and none of them seem to go anywhere, and I doubt they know how to defend themselves."

"Ah, but Bilbo isn't most hobbits, Master Thorin." Gandalf replied. After he spoke, they walked in silence awhile, until they reached the top of the hill and reached a gate. "Dwarves first."

Thorin entered the gate first, of course, followed by Bifur, Bofur, Bombur, and Valadhiel, then Gandalf followed after them. Thorin walked onto the porch and rang the bell, then looked over when Gandalf began knocking on the door with his staff.

Valadhiel crossed her arms after a moment of waiting by the door, and looked over when Gandalf knocked again, then she looked at the door when it quickly opened, causing Thorin to fall onto the mat inside on his face, Bombur falling onto him, then Bifur and Bofur, too. She smirked and tried to hold back a laugh, though a quiet snicker escaped.

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