The First Afternoon In Rivendell

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Valadhiel happily walked along, seeming to dance or skip along at times, as she led the dwarves and Bilbo through Rivendell. She had spent much of the rest of the morning giving them a tour of the place, then they had gone to eat at noon, then she had continued the tour. She ended it by showing them the gardens and the waterfalls.

"The waterfalls are larger than the fountains, so even more perfect for pushing others into." Valadhiel commented, giving Bilbo, Kili, and Thorin playful looks with a smirk.

Thorin rolled his eyes, though smiled in amusement as he watched the fiery-haired elf. Her yellow eyes sparkled in the sun, and the dress she wore made them pop. The dress was ankle length, short-sleeved, though had a small, thin veil-like cape that covered her bare upper back, and it was the same color as her eyes. It was a simple dress with no design on it, though it did fit her nicely. He meant that in two ways: looks and personality.

"I suggest we take a break from playing in water." Bilbo commented after giving a small laugh. "You may have an entire closet of dresses and armored outfits here, but we sure don't."

"Oh, it doesn't take the servants that long to wash them." Valadhiel commented, then she chuckled. "I could even help speed up the drying process."

"What a comforting thought." Kili commented in playful sarcasm. He was expecting some payback from Vala, as he had splashed her earlier and had gotten away with it, as he hid behind his big brother.

Valadhiel grinned at Kili. "Isn't it?"

Fili crossed his arms. "You may be plotting revenge on Kili, but don't forget that I have my own revenge to plot."

"Me splashing you was Kili's fault!"

"No, you just missed me and hit Fili." Kili replied cheekily.

Fili raised his brow and smirked. "I might just plan revenge on the both of you."

Balin shook his head. "Why do I get the feeling that this is only the beginning of these watery games of revenge?"

Thorin chuckled at Balin's comment. "Probably because it most likely is."

"And I heard that you have now taken part in these games." Balin looked over at Thorin with a little amused smile. "You better watch your back, or she might get her revenge on you, too."

Thorin noticed the amused look and rolled his eyes at the subtle implication, then he smiled as he looked at Valadhiel again. "Yes, I will have to be extra watchful, though I get the feeling she will somehow get me back."

Valadhiel stepped up onto a log after a moment and began to balance on it, setting one small, bare foot in front of the other. She then looked over at the others after she'd reached the end of the log. "What would you all like to do? There's plenty to do, whether it would be playing a few friendly competitive games, or reading, strolling through the garden, playing instruments, and I'm sure there are more things we could find to do that aren't water related."

"Though I am fine with water related games." Fili commented, giving Valadhiel a playful glare.

Valadhiel chuckled. "I'm sure you are." She replied, then she grinned as if remembering something. "Oh! We could also go fishing!"

"Now that sounds fun." Bofur replied, earning a few "aye's" from the other dwarves.

"Fishing is something that I enjoy." Bilbo added. After all, he was a hobbit, therefore he would admit he had his moments of laziness. Fishing was the perfect way to be lazy yet still catch dinner.

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