Leaving Beorn

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A couple mornings later, Valadhiel was packing up her sleeping mat and other belongings, including strapping all of her weapons onto herself. She still wore the necklace that Beorn had given her, and she hardly ever took it off. It even fit in her other forms, as the chain expanded and thickened when she shifted.

The past couple of days with her uncle had been both fun and interesting, and she had learned a lot of new things about not only her mother, but about herself, too. Thanks to the new information, she could shift quicker, heal faster, and she even had a couple of new forms as well. Not only had she learned new things about herself, but she had mended her shirt so Thorin could have his coat back, and she had been given a coat by Beorn, who had altered it so it would fit her better.

However, it was now time to leave and make their way to Mirkwood, so Valadhiel would have to say goodbye to her uncle. She had no idea when she would see him again, but she felt deep down that she would indeed see him again one day soon.

Once she was outside, she looked around at the dwarves, who were getting the ponies Beorn was lending them ready to set off. Valadhiel turned to Beorn when he walked out and smiled at him. "Thank you again for lending us the ponies. It will make our journey go much faster."

"Anything for family." Beorn replied with a smile, gently ruffling the top of her head, messing her hair up a little. "Just remember to-"

"Let them go before we enter the forest." Valadhiel finished with a grin. "I'll remember, and I will make sure the dwarves let them go. Not a single pony will enter that place."

Beorn gave a nod after Valadhiel spoke. "I suppose I have said it enough, and you have assured me enough that you'll free the ponies, so I won't mention it again."

"Valadhiel." Dwalin called over to her. "Come, we're ready to leave."

"I'll be right there. And if I take too long, go on without me; I'll catch up." Valadhiel replied before she turned to Beorn. She then climbed up onto a stump and gave her very tall uncle a hug. "Thank you for everything. For telling me about my mother, about my ancestors, and about me."

Beorn flinched, but he then smiled and hugged his very short niece. "You're welcome. And of course. I'm sure you wanted to know all about the secrets of your mother, ancestors, and yourself. I hope they come in useful for whenever they may be needed." He let Valadhiel go before giving a whistle. "I have one more thing for you."

Valadhiel furrowed her brow and tilted her head, then looked to her left when she heard a horse cantering their way. Her eyes widened when she spotted the beautiful equine. His hair glimmered and shone like gold in the sun, and his every movement was graceful. "This is no ordinary horse... he's of the Mearas, isn't he?"

"He is." Beorn replied as the horse stopped next to Valadhiel. "His name is Glewellin, and he is almost as fast as Shadowfax, the lord of all horses. He stopped by last night, and I know he wishes to help you."

Valadhiel petted the muzzle of Glewellin and smiled. "Golden Song. A beautiful and fitting name." She commented, then she looked at Beorn again when he continued before she mounted the golden steed. "I accept your help, and thank you for coming to my aid."

Glewellin whinnied and tossed his head gently, then he turned towards the direction the dwarves and Gandalf had set off in. It was time that this elleth got caught up to them, even if she was dreading the forests of Mirkwood.

Valadhiel chuckled. "All right, we'll go now." She told the eager stallion, then she looked at Beorn once more. "Again, thank you."

Beorn gave a nod in response. "If you ever need anything, don't hesitate in sending someone for me. I will be there."

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