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Valadhiel sat still as Oin put an herbal paste of sorts onto her wound. He'd had someone find a type of herb, then he'd had someone else get some water, then he'd gotten a small, wooden bowl and mixed it together until it became a paste. It burned at first, but it soon provided a cool, soothing sensation.

"There we are, lass." Oin said before he put the bowl to the side and pulled out some bandages. "All you need are bandages and you're good to go."

"Again, thank you, Oin." Valadhiel replied with a smile.

"Mention nothing of it. It's the least I can do after you risked your life to save ours." The dwarf replied as he began to gently bandage the wound. He soon finished, put his supplies up, then got to his feet. "Be careful with that arm. I would recommend you use swords only, and that you don't lift your arm above your head."

"I'll do my best to remember that." Valadhiel replied with a chuckle, picking her armor up after she got to her own feet. Once she was up she looked at her armor. She would need help with this.

"Allow me." Thorin, who had been near her the whole time, offered. He walked over, took the armor from her, then helped her put it on.

"Thank you, Thorin." Valadhiel replied softly, barely resisting a shiver when his hand accidentally brushed her arm. Once her armor was back on, they set off once more- after Valadhiel insisted that she was well enough to travel, as a few of them were fussing over her.

However, Valadhiel did ride a pony, as Thorin refused to let her travel on foot, even though she had told him that her arm was injured, not her foot. He told her she needed to rest as much as she could, and he won in the end. So, he walked alongside his pony, and Valadhiel rode atop his pony.

The group traveled until nightfall, and Gandalf had told them that he needed to do something and would be back. Before any questions could be asked, the wizard had run off, leaving the group to themselves.

"He's been awhile." Bilbo commented later on, sitting next to Valadhiel on a log near the fire and the steaming stew.

"Who?" Bofur asked in response, scooping out the stew along with a few others, passing them about so they could all eat.


"He's a wizard- he does as he chooses! Here, do us a favor; take these to the lads." Bofur handed two bowls of the stew to Bilbo after the halfling stood so he could take them to Kili and Fili.

"I'll go with you, Master Baggins." Valadhiel said as she got to her feet. The others were busy, so not paying attention, and Thorin had gone off somewhere. He hadn't said anything to them, so she assumed it was just the matter of nature calling. Therefore, no one could stop her. Besides, she had said that she would watch over Bilbo.

"Thank you, Miss Valadhiel." Bilbo replied with a nod before he turned and made his way back to the forest. There had been a clearing back in the woods that was perfect for the ponies, apparently. There must have been a gate there. "And please, just call me Bilbo." He preferred it, thanks to the dwarves, who sometimes liked to mockingly say his last name.

"Only if you call me Valadhiel, or even plain Vala." The elf replied with a smile as she walked alongside him.

"And, thank... thank you for saving me back there." Bilbo added, looking down as he walked along.

The female elf smiled at Bilbo again. "You're welcome. And, Bilbo, don't you dare feel that it was your fault. Stuff like this... it's what I do. I enjoy helping others, even if it means a bit of danger." She looked over when Kili and Fili came into view, and she stopped behind them, as did Bilbo. She furrowed her brow when the two said nothing.

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