Goblin Town

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     Valadhiel lay on the ground, her wings curled around herself, and stared out of the cave into the darkness outside. She was tired, but she was unable to get to sleep. Nightmares plagued her mind, whether things that had really happened, or things that hadn't happened but made her uneasy. She also felt uneasy to begin with. There was something about this place, but she didn't know what.

     She glanced around at all of the dwarves, who were all asleep. Well, except for Thorin. He lay completely still with his eyes closed, but she knew he wasn't asleep by the way he was breathing. Plus, she had seen him open his eyes for a moment only minutes ago. She snapped her attention elsewhere when she heard and saw movement, then she realized that Bilbo had gotten up.

     The elf furrowed her brow as she watched him pack his things and tiptoe around the sleeping dwarves, then she felt her heart sink. She didn't want him to leave, as she considered him a friend, and she knew he would be very useful on the quest. Gandalf was the one that had chosen him as their burglar, after all. But, she wouldn't stop him.

     Bofur, who was keeping watch, looked up at Bilbo when he walked over. "Where do you think you're going?" He asked the hobbit.

     "Back to Rivendell." Bilbo replied quietly, looking over at Bofur.

     "No, you can't turn back now; you're part of the Company. You're one of us."

     "I'm not though, am I?" Bilbo replied, shaking his head. "Thorin said I should never have come, and he was right. I'm not a Took, I'm a Baggins. I don't know what I was thinking. I should never have run out my door."

     Valadhiel subtly looked at Thorin after Bilbo spoke. She was glad he was awake, because this was something he needed to hear. She hoped that he would rethink what he'd said about Bilbo. She silently sighed and looked Bilbo's way again. She hoped that Thorin would come to accept him.

     "You're homesick." Bofur told him. "I understand."

     "No, you don't- you don't understand! None of you do... you're dwarves. You're used to... to this life, to living on the road, never settling in one place, not belonging anywhere."

     Valadhiel noticed the offended look Bofur gave, though the look quickly left, as he seemed to realize that they were indeed used to this life, whereas hobbits never usually left the comforts of their home. The elf sat up after a moment and leaned against the wall, leaning her head back and staring up at the ceiling. She herself was used to life on the road and never staying in one place. To forget the pains of life, she kept herself busy with doing things for others. The need to keep busy was one of the reasons she'd decided to come on this quest in the first place. Plus, there was something else that drove her to come.

     "I am sorry, I didn't-"

     "No, you're right." Bofur interrupted Bilbo calmly. "We don't belong anywhere. I wish you all the luck in the world. I really do." The dwarf them smiled and put a hand on Bilbo's shoulder, then lowered it when the halfling began to walk away. He then furrowed his brow and became a little alarmed when he saw something glowing blue. "What's that?"

     Valadhiel looked up when Bofur asked the question just in time to see Bilbo pull out his glowing sword, then her eyes widened as she leaped to her feet right as her brain sent danger signals all throughout her body. Sand began to fall, and it felt like the floor was crumbling.

     "Wake up!" Thorin shouted, having gotten to his feet at the same time Valadhiel had.

     "Everyone, wake up!" Valadhiel shouted after Thorin had, moving around and shaking a dwarf by the shoulders before she backed away and looked around. Her eyes widened when she smelled an all too familiar smell, but before she could say anything else, the floor collapsed and sent them all falling.

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