Feelings Deepen

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     Later that night, the dwarves and Bilbo were eating and drinking in the Master's house, to which they had all been invited. The man had been hesitant to invite Valadhiel into his home, but Thorin persuaded him to allow her to stay with them, assuring him that though she had a sharp tongue, she meant no harm unless you gave her a good reason.

     While the others enjoyed themselves, Valadhiel stayed in another room. She had eaten a little, drank some water, and then kept pretty silent and distant from the others. There was plenty to celebrate, yes, but the reality of being near that mountain was weighing down on her. The closer she got, the more dread she felt. She knew that the old dragon was still lying beneath piles of gold.

     Thorin walked into the room after a moment. He had noticed that the female dragon had been unusually quiet, as well as distant. It wasn't at all like the Valadhiel he knew. "Vala, are you okay?"

     Valadhiel looked up at him, then she gave a small smile and nodded before she looked away. "Yes, I'm fine."

     Thorin raised an eyebrow at her before he sat down next to her and gently took one of her hands into his. "I know that you're not fine. Is it because of y- because of Smaug?"

     Valadhiel let out a shaky breath before nodding, looking over at Thorin again. "Yes. Last time I saw him, he wasn't anything like this. Seeing him after all these years... it's going to be difficult."

     "I can only imagine." Thorin murmured in response, gently rubbing his thumb across her delicate little hand. "I don't know how much this helps, but you do have us. After all of this time, you have become family."

     Valadhiel smiled at Thorin when he spoke. "I know. You all have become family to me, too." She then sighed softly again. "After all of this, though... what happens?"

     Thorin furrowed his brow. "What do you mean?"

     "After we reclaim the mountain, what will I do? Go back to Rivendell, or back to Bree Town, taking on quests for others like I always used to?" Valadhiel shook her head. "I love to travel, but I have been traveling for so long. I am ready to settle down, but I don't belong anywhere."

     "Well, you could always stay with m- with us. In the mountain." Thorin told her, glancing away when she looked at him before he looked her in the eye. "You are more than welcome among us."

     Valadhiel looked into the dwarf king's eyes, a light blush coloring her cheeks. "You really mean that?"

     "Of course I do." Thorin told her, glancing at her lips as he spoke before looking into her eyes again. He reached a hand up and gently tucked a strand of hair behind her ear before brushing his thumb against her cheek, and he leaned closer to her until their lips were inches apart.

     "Hey, Thorin!"

     Both elf and dwarf quickly jerked back from each other and turned their attention to the doorway to see Balin, Gloin, Fili, and Bifur walk into the room they were in.

     "Have you decided when we..." Bifur trailed off, noticing a bright red blush on the faces of both Valadhiel and Thorin.

     Fili smirked before he began laughing softly, and Gloin began to chuckle as well, both of them looking at each other before raising their brow at the couple.

     "Are we interrupting something?" Balin asked with a knowing smile.

     "Uh, no... no, nothing at all." Thorin replied, clearing his throat after he spoke.

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