The First Morning In Rivendell

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     The next morning, Valadhiel was up bright and early. No matter what time she went to bed, she was normally always awake just before sunrise. It was a habit, and now her body seemed to have its very own alarm set in her brain that told her when it was time to get up.

     The elven dragon made her way to her closet and went through the dresses and outfits that were in there, looking for more simply outfits rather than long, flowing dresses. However, she thought that a long, flowing dress might be fun to wear. It could still be simple yet beautiful, after all.

     After finding a forest green colored dress, she pulled it out and looked it over. It wasn't the most simple gown in there, but it would do. It was a long dress, and fairly decent up top. It would most likely expose her shoulders and part of her back, though it would keep her chest covered, and that was all that mattered to her.

     Once she was dressed, she brushed her hair out, took a strand from each side, and braided it. She then braided a strand down the middle of her back, then she braided the three braids together to create one beautiful braid down the middle of her back. When she had looked in the looking glass and decided that her hair looked just right, she opened the doors to her balcony and looked out at the rising sun.

     The sun cast a shadow across the courtyard of Rivendell, though it illuminated other places, such as the mountains and the waterfalls. The fruit on some of the trees glistened with dew and sunlight, and as the sun rose, the dew on the grass sparkled.

     After watching as the sun began to brighten the place for about twenty minutes, Valadhiel turned and stepped back inside, her bare feet not making a sound. She grabbed her bow and quiver of arrows, walked to her door, opened it, then stepped out into the hallway. It was a beautiful, cool morning, and she wanted to go outside and play around just as she'd done when she lived in Rivendell.

     Valadhiel walked down the hall, then turned down another hall before she reached two flights of stairs. Both led to the same large room downstairs, so she walked down the stairs furthest from her, greeting a few of the other elves along the way. Once she was downstairs, she walked to the outside door before she walked outside.

     A cool breeze blew Valadhiel's hair back when she walked outside, and after she closed the door behind her and stepped to the side, she closed her eyes and allowed her other senses to take over. She breathed in the smells of the outdoors, and she listened closely to all the sounds, from the birds to the tree leaves, and she could even hear the grass when the breeze blew at times.

     After standing there for a moment, Valadhiel made her way down a stone path and into the gardens, looking at all of the beautiful flowers. She especially liked all of the roses in the gardens. She knew it was so typical for a woman to like roses, but she couldn't help it. They were her favorite. They were beautiful and delicate, yet they were adorned with thorns. It reminded her of herself; she was a woman, but she could defend herself.

     Valadhiel smiled as she gently brushed the top of a red rose, then she turned and walked over to one of the fountains. It was like a miniature waterfall, though the water fell into a little pool surrounded by stone blocks. It was shallow, so she often enjoyed lifting her dress to her knees and wading in it on hot summer afternoons. However, she enjoyed to do so on cool mornings as well at times.

     The elven maid looked into the water for a little while, trying to decide what she wanted to do. After a moment, she decided to just walk around in the cool, wet grass to a fruit tree. After doing so, she picked an apple and ate it, then she walked back over to the fountain and climbed onto the stones surrounding it. She walked around on it in a sort of balancing game, even though no one else was there to play with her.

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