No Chance Meeting

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     Thorin had looked up from his meal when the old man that had walked up to him asked if he could join him, then proceeded to sit down and order himself the same thing he had gotten. He gave the man a slight look, but he said nothing. Obviously, this man wished to speak with him, and this man was Gandalf The Grey, a well-known wizard that had known his father. He was sure whatever he had to say was important.

     "I should introduce myself. My name is Gandalf. Gandalf The Grey." The man said, looking at the dwarf. He knew that Thorin most likely already knew who he was, though. Many knew him by several different names.

     "I know who you are." Thorin replied, speaking as if it was obvious. He glanced at the door when it opened, revealing a red haired elven maid. A rather short elven maid, at that- the shortest elf he had ever seen. The elf looked around the room until her eyes landed on Gandalf, then on him. A friend of the wizard's, perhaps? Wonderful.

     Gandalf followed Thorin's gaze, then he gestured for the elf to come over and join them before he looked at the prince again. "That is my companion, Valadhiel." He explained, then continued after the elleth had walked over to them. "Well now! This is a fine chance. What brings Thorin Oakenshield to Bree?"

     "I received word that my father had been seen wandering the Wilds near Dunland. I went looking, and found no sign of him." Thorin replied, setting his bread down before he looked from the elf to Gandalf, offering the maid no greeting of any kind.

     Valadhiel crossed her arms as she listened to the dwarf, leaning on a leg as she simply stood there next to Gandalf. So, was this why Gandalf had her come here? To meet with the dwarf prince, and to help him? Most likely. Gandalf was always helping others as well, and when it came to the wizard, there was no such thing as fine chance. "It has been a long time since anything but rumor was heard of Thrain." She commented.

     Thorin looked up at the elf when he heard her smooth, gentle, yet strong, voice- it was surprisingly strong for her being such a petite and little thing. He studied her briefly, the first noticeable thing about her being her red hair, of course, but next were her eyes. They were yellow, and the pupils, in the light, looked like that of a dragon's. He refrained from furrowing his brow. It was a rather odd sight. The next thing he noticed was the scar that went from her forehead to her cheek, as if she'd been slashed across her eye. Her eye seemed undamaged, though.

     After his brief observation, he gave the maiden a glare of sorts. "He still lives. I am sure of it." He told her before he looked at Gandalf again. "My father came to see you before he went missing. What did you say to him?"

     "I urged him to march upon Erebor, to rally the seven armies of the dwarves, to destroy the dragon, and take back The Lonely Mountain. And I would say the same to you. Take back your homeland." Gandalf replied, again looking at the dwarven prince.

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