Thorin's Throng

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It had been a couple of hours since dinner had been eaten and plans had been discussed, and Valadhiel was now in a guest room that she had been shown to. It was nothing large, but it was a nice size, and Valadhiel found it to be comfortable- even if it was darker and colder inside of a mountain.

Since Valadhiel had reached the room, she had gotten bathed, dressed into a clean pair of clothes, which was only a simple forest green tunic, brown trousers, and her normal boots, and she had gotten her tangled hair brushed out. It hadn't been long after she'd brushed her hair that she heard a knock at her door. She walked over to the door, opened it, then looked at the two young dwarves, Thorin's nephews, that stood there before she gave a small smile. "Can I help you?"

"We were just wondering if you wanted to come out for some singing." Kili told her, smiling up at her. She really wasn't all that much taller than he was.

Valadhiel bit her lower lip briefly before she replied. "I'm not sure. I didn't think you all seemed very thrilled about me being here."

"Well, they may not be," Kili began.

"But that doesn't mean we feel the same." Fili added.

"If Gandalf trusts you, and if Uncle brought you here,"

 "Then we trust that you're here to help us, not harm us."

Valadhiel found herself looking from Kili to Fili, then repeating, as they spoke, adding on to each other's sentences, and even finishing them. She chuckled as she smiled in amusement. "Do you two always add onto and finish each other's sentences?"

"Most of the time." Both Kili and Fili said in unison, then they grinned at each other and chuckled before Fili said, "When we aren't speaking in unison, that is."

"What are your names again?" Valadhiel asked, then she looked at Kili before narrowing an eye in thought. "Kili, and..." She looked at Kili's brother before continuing. "Fili?"

Fili nodded in response. "Aye, that's right."

"Hey, she actually remembered my name before yours." Kili commented with a grin. "Normally, everyone forgets my name!"

Fili smirked at Kili. "Even you forgot your name one time."

Valadhiel raised her brow and looked at Kili with an amused questioning look. She had to admit, she liked these two already. Maybe her time spent with the dwarves wouldn't be so bad. Maybe it would be like old times. As long as these dwarves weren't like ones she had met in the past, she would most likely get along with them fairly well.

Kili shot Fili a playful glare. "Come on, Fili- I was only three! I don't even remember it!"

Valadhiel laughed softly at the two, then she looked past them when a couple of other dwarves walked over. If she wasn't mistaken, it was Dwalin and Bofur.

"There you two are." Dwalin said, eyeing the elf before he looked at the two boys. "Are you coming or what?"

"We're coming." Kili replied, turning to look at Dwalin before he gestured to Valadhiel with a nod of his head. "Fili and I were just seeing if Valadhiel wanted to join us."

Dwalin and Bofur glanced at each other before Bofur stepped forward somewhat. "I doubt an elf would be interested in any dwarvish celebration, lads."

Valadhiel crossed her arms, though a twinkle was in her eye. She was trying not to be so rude or intimidating, since she did want her journey with the dwarves to be as peaceful as possible. Yes, she had a temper, and she loved to argue with evil idiots, but she didn't like to argue with those she knew she could learn to get along with. "I believe you'll find, Bofur, that I'm not most elves."

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