Weeks Of Rivendell

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Valadhiel woke early the next morning, as she always did, then went about getting herself ready for the morning. She dressed into a long, flowing, purple dress with flowing, purple sleeves. As usual, she didn't bother with any shoes.

Once she was dressed, she brushed out her hair, then braided it into a waterfall braid. After inspecting it in the looking glass, she smiled before she walked out onto the balcony and looked out over the scenery. The sun was now rising, making the waterfalls sparkle, and the morning birds were singing their merry songs.

Valadhiel leaned on the rail and gave a soft sigh. She had missed and enjoyed the beauty and peacefulness of Imladris, and she was so glad that Thorin had decided to stay at least a little longer. Elrond had agreed to not pester him with any doomsay, so convincing Thorin to stay hadn't been too difficult for the elven reptile.

After a moment, she looked away from the waterfalls and looked out over the garden and a few other places to see if she could spot anyone she knew. Lindir and Elrond were walking, and most likely talking, down below, and she spotted Bilbo in the garden. She wouldn't be surprised if many of the dwarves were still asleep, though it also wouldn't surprise her if a few were awake.

She stood upright, turned, walked back into her bedroom, then made her way to the door. She opened it and was about to walk out, only to be startled when she nearly bumped into someone. "Oh, sorry."

The elf, blonde haired, blue-eyed, tall, and thin, smiled and shook his head. "No, I am the one who is sorry." He replied, backing away to allow the elleth out of her room.

Valadhiel, recognizing his voice, looked up and then smiled widely. "Glandur! I was hoping to see you soon. Bilbo mentioned that you were here. What brings you to Imladris?"

Glandur smiled and gave a bow of his head to Valadhiel. "I left Mirkwood and came here awhile ago. The Elvenking is becoming a little unbearable." He explained, then offered his arm to her. "May I escort you to the gardens? They're beautiful this time of morning."

Valadhiel smiled and took the arm offered. "I was just making my way there, and I would be happy to catch up with an old friend."

Glandur smiled merrily in reply and began leading her down one of the halls. "It has been quite some time." He commented after a moment, hoping to strike up a conversation.

"It truly has been. I wish it hadn't been so long." Valadhiel replied with a smile, then it faded some. "I would have visited had I been able to."

"I know you would have."

Valadhiel looked up at him as they walked along, then looked ahead of her when they turned a corner. "What made you decide to leave? Other than Lord Thranduil becoming unbearable. He has always been a little so, therefore you have to have had another reason to leave."

"Darkness is spreading in the wood. I'm sure you've heard it's new name; Mirkwood." Glandur commented as he looked over at Valadhiel after turning around the corner. He then looked ahead of him as he continued. "And my time in Middle-Earth has been long. One day fairly soon, I will be leaving for the Undying Lands. Until that day has come, I will live here."

"I see." Valadhiel replied, nodding softly as she walked down a flight of stairs with Glandur. "I will certainly miss you when that time comes."

Glandur smiled once more and, once down the stairs, led her to the door. Once they were outside and making their way to the gardens, he began speaking again. "Perhaps by that time you, too, will be making your way across the sea as well."

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