Far Over The Misty Mountains Cold

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(NOTE: All rights go to J.R.R. Tolkien for the full poem, which is below, and Peter Jackson for the film adaptation of the song, which is above.)


"The lass is right. The task would be difficult enough with an army  behind us, but we number just thirteen, and not thirteen of the best,  nor brightest." Balin added after giving a nod to Valadhiel. He was glad  that she, at least, had brains and wasn't just a pretty face.

     "Hey, who are you calling dim?" Gloin asked angrily, shooting  the older dwarf a glare. He then looked at Oin when he asked what had  been said, and he rolled his eyes before repeating what had been said.

     "We may be few in number." Fili said, looking around the table before he stood. "But we're fighters; all of us, to the last dwarf!"

     "And you forget, we have a wizard in our company." Kili added as  he looked over at Gandalf. "Gandalf will have killed hundreds of  dragons in his time."

     "Oh well, no. Uh, I...I-" Gandalf tried to say, but was then cut off.

     "How many then?" Dori asked him.


     "Well, how many dragons have you killed?"

     "He's a wizard, not a dragon slayer." Valadhiel said flatly,  rolling her eyes at the dwarf. Wizards were indeed powerful, but that did not make them dragon slayers. Eru had a  tendency to use the small creatures of Arda for greatness. There were  tales of the immortals, yes, but there were just as many, if not more,  of the mortals, and she had a feeling that several hobbits would one day be the center of stories. After all, despite their small size, they could have big hearts and a lot of courage.

     "Enough!" Thorin commanded, getting to his feet at the head of  the table. "If we have read these signs, do you not think others will  have read them, too? Rumors have begun to spread. The dragon Smaug has  not been seen for sixty years. Eyes look East to the mountain,  assessing, wondering, weighing the risk. Perhaps the vast wealth of our  people now lies unprotected."

     "Not to disagree, Master Thorin, but I do disagree." Valadhiel  commented, looking over at him, ignoring the others as they murmured and  groaned. She even heard one quietly ask who had died and made her queen. "Smaug stole that land because of your wealth. He wouldn't  simply leave it there. No, he has not been seen in sixty years, but that  doesn't mean he isn't still in the mountain. I would not be surprised if he's been in  hibernation among all the gold. Dragons can be a greedy race, and they  would rather hibernate with their hoard than leave to eat and risk  losing it, unless their food is near their treasure."

     "What would you know of dragons?"  Thorin questioned her, giving her a small glare. She was always  disagreeing with him, and it rather got on his nerves.

      "Trust me, Master Thorin, Vala has had plenty of experience with  dragons." Gandalf replied, looking from the fiery haired elf to the  dwarven king. "She is right."

Bilbo, the poor hobbit, was awfully tired and rather confused. He looked over at Valadhiel, and he shuddered a little when he caught sight of her gleaming yellow eyes. But, if one looked closely, sorrow could be seen in those eyes of hers. Pain, and perhaps wisdom beyond her years. Of course, she was an elf, therefore immortal. No doubt she had seen a lot. And she did seem to be fairly kind, despite feisty at times. He couldn't judge her because her eyes were dragon-like, after all.

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