Secrets And Feelings Revealed

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     Valadhiel, now in her winged Elven-form,  walked among some of the wreckage, searching for those of Laketown who had gone missing, praying to Eru that she wouldn't find any corpses. It was now morning, and Bofur, Kili, and Fili were with her. Oin was with those who were wounded so he could be of some assistance.

"So, Smaug was your father?" Kili asked quietly after a moment, looking Valadhiel's way briefly before he moved a fallen beam out of the way.

     "Yes." Valadhiel replied. "I would have told you. I'm sure some of you had your suspicions considering he was the only known dragon until I revealed that I am part dragon." She heaved a sigh. "It was just painful to talk about."

     Fili nodded. "Which is understandable." He replied, then he looked over at Valadhiel, stopping next to her. "Does Thorin know?"

     Valadhiel nodded softly, a couple strands of hair falling from behind her ear and getting in her face. "He knows. The night the eagles rescued us, I decided to tell him, since he had the biggest grudge against Smaug for all he did."

     "I hear something." Bofur said, stopping by a pile of wood. He moved some of the wood aside and noticed a stone fireplace. "It's coming from inside the fire place."

     "Who's there?" Valadhiel asked. She then heard a child start to cry, so she flapped her wings as she jumped, flying up and into the chimney, then she came up, out, and flew down, a young boy in her arms. She gently set him down once she landed, kneeling down to look at him. "Are you okay?"

     The little boy sniffed and nodded his head. "Y-yeah, I-I'm okay. But m-my mom..."

     Valadhiel's heart sank when she heard the boy's words. She got to her feet and flew back down the chimney, moving debris and looking for the boy's mother. Had she been in the building when it was crushed by Smaug? If that was the case... it was unlikely that she survived.

     After a moment of searching she flew back up through the chimney and landed next to Kili, Fili, and Bofur. After noticing that the child was with Oin, she spoke in a low tone. "I didn't see her. Unfortunately, however, I believe she was in there when Smaug crushed the building. It smells of death in there."

"What will we do with the child?" Bofur asked, looking back at the small human before he looked back at Valadhiel.

"Well, we will find out if he has any relatives here, or anywhere else. If not, then..." Valadhiel trailed off as she looked at the boy. "Well, I refuse to leave him without a home. I will find him a home myself if I must."

     "Well, technically you did fulfill your purpose on the journey, so you would be free to collect your reward, then leave." Kili commented, looking down some after he spoke. He hadn't thought about having to part ways with those he had grown close to along the way.

     Valadhiel smiled. "I'm not going anywhere if I can help it. And, if I do end up having to leave, I will be back." Valadhiel assured Kili, placing a hand on Kili's shoulder. "After such an adventure, there's no way I could just leave so easily."

     "Especially since you're in love with our uncle." Fili said with a smirk as he looked at Valadhiel.

     Valadhiel chuckled and shook her head in amusement. "Well, yes, there is that small detail."

"Anyways, we should come up with some plan as to what we will do with the child should he have no nearby family members." Kili said as he looked back at the child, who was sitting on a log right now, remaining still and silent. "How old is this kid, anyways? Six at the most?"

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