An Elven Celebration

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     A few hours had passed since Valadhiel and Thorin had had that talk in the garden, and Valadhiel was now in the bathroom of her room, getting herself bathed for the celebration being held that night. One could call it a going away party of sorts, and it wasn't a party that wouldn't last late into the night, since they all planned to get up by sunrise to start off on their journey once more.

     Elrond was the one who had suggested the going away party, and it wasn't for the Dwarves alone, but for Valadhiel. They had been planning on doing it sooner, but one of the elves bringing back some of the food and drink for a celebration had been attacked, so it had been delayed. Thankfully, the elf was alright, and his minor injuries had been tended to.

     Valadhiel was soon finished bathing, and once she'd dried off, she got herself dressed and got her hair brushed. For the celebration tonight, she was wearing a dark blue dress with golden lace on the hem and the end of the sleeves, and aside from the gold trim, there were golden flame patterns on the sleeve and on the back and front of the dress. There were holes for her wings to fit through, of course, and she once again wore her circlet. Her hair wasn't quite as simple this time, but had many braids in it. Two large braids went from the front of her head to the back, where they were then merged and held together by many other smaller braids, and she had another small braid on each side of her head. [1]

     Soon, she was ready for the celebration that was taking place. It was only noon, but many things were already planned. They would be having a delicious lunch, then there would be many desserts and beverages, and there would be some singing and dancing. However, not all the dancing was going to be ballroom style dancing. That would come later that evening, though not too late, of course.

     Valadhiel walked to her door and opened it, then she once again bumped into a familiar elf. She flinched, then she backed up and chuckled softly. "Sorry, Glandur." She apologized, then she grinned up at him. "We must stop bumping into each other like this, mellon nin."

     Glandur laughed softly before he nodded and held his arm out for her. "I do believe you're right. One of these days, one of us is going to get hurt." He teased, then began walking once she'd taken a hold of his arm. "You should see the ballroom. It is absolutely beautiful."

     "They already have the ballroom set up for this evening?" Valadhiel asked, looking up at the tall elf as she spoke.

     "Oh, yes. They've had it ready for a few days now, I've simply not been allowed to say anything about it up until this point." Glandur replied.

     "I suppose I'll get to see it this evening, then. Until then, if I am not mistaken, we'll be singing, dancing, eating, and having friendly competitions, aye?"

     Glandur nodded. "Yes. We were debating the competitions, but we thought that the dwarves might want some competitive games, so we planned some for their entertainment."

     Valadhiel smirked. "You make it sound as if you elves don't enjoy competition. You may be able to fool other races, Glandur, but you'll never be able to fool me."

     Glandur chuckled. "No, I suppose not. Fooling you is a difficult challenge, Lady Vala." He replied, looking at her a moment before he walked down the stairs with her.

     As the two chatted, they made their way through the building, then they came out onto the large balcony where the tables, chairs, and more had been set up. Here was where they would have their lunch, then they would most likely go downstairs to a larger area outside for any singing, dancing, and games.

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