The Hobbit: The Desolation Of Smaug

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Valadhiel had fallen asleep rather quickly after her talk with Thorin. In fact, by the time she woke up, she hadn't remembered falling asleep. Upon hearing the sounds of morning birds, as well as smelling something cooking, she opened her eyes and tiredly looked in the direction of the fire she smelled.

She furrowed her brow when she realized that she was leaning against something. She also felt something draped over her waist. She sat up, causing whatever it was around her waist to fall into her lap, then she turned her head, immediately blushing as red as her hair was when she saw what she'd been cuddled up with. In fact, it was no what, but a who: Thorin Oakenshield.

She thought back to their conversation last night, then bit her lower lip. She must have fallen asleep while she was talking to him. No doubt she'd leaned her head on him, and he, most likely not wanting to wake her, had probably just laid down with her.

"So, have a nice night, lass?"

Valadhiel turned her head when she heard someone speak, her eyes landing on Bofur, Bilbo Kili, Fili, and Balin. She blushed even more before she scooted away from Thorin. "I... I don't even remember falling asleep last night." She commented, glancing at Thorin before she reached up and pushed a strand of hair behind her ear.

"Uh huh, sure." Fili replied with a smirk, dragging the word "sure" out in a teasing and mischievous manner.

Valadhiel looked at Fili when he spoke. "What's that supposed to mean?" She questioned defensively, playing with the hem of Thorin's coat. It was a rather soft and comfortable coat, and it smelled just like him.

"Oh, I think you already know." Kili replied, grinning at her just as mischievously as his older brother was.

"Come now, lads, don't tease the poor lass so much." Balin scolded, though not harshly. He was rather amused by all of this.

"Tease me about what?" Valadhiel asked as she looked down to avoid their gazes. She knew exactly what, but she wasn't about to let them know that she liked Thorin, even if they did already know.

"For liking Thorin." Bilbo replied nonchalantly.

Valadhiel gave a small chuckle. "Liking Thorin? I like him, but... not in that way."

Bilbo raised his brow. "Seriously? You... you're going to try to deny it, even though... even though it's obvious?"

Valadhiel bit her lower lip and glanced at Thorin again, realizing that denying that she liked the dwarf was rather stupid when at least five others already knew that she did. "How... many of you... know?" She asked slowly, looking over at the others.

"Probably only us, lass." Bofur replied with a shrug.

"The others are not quite as observant." Balin told her with a chuckle. "Though I believe Dwalin has known since Rivendell."

"Though if our uncle keeps making a habit of talking to you like he did last night," Fili began.

"And makes a habit of calling you beautiful," Kili added.

"Then I'm sure others are going to start noticing." Bilbo finished.

Valadhiel blushed when Kili spoke. "You heard the conversation?"

Fili and Kili smirked, glanced at each other, then looked at her before Fili began to quote her in his best girly voice, though was obviously an exaggerated tone. "I used to hate these scars, but I've finally come to accept them as a part of me."

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