The First Evening In Rivendell

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     Valadhiel stood on the balcony to her room as she brushed out her hair, smiling softly to herself as she watched the dwarves below. They were goofing off, joking around, and just talking to one another as they enjoyed the time they had to relax. She was very glad that they had gotten to come here without objection from Thorin, though she wished that he was willing to stay longer.

     After brushing out her wet hair, she set the brush down on her night table before turning to face the full-length looking glass. She smoothed out the sides of her dress, her long sleeves flowing out with the rest of it. It was another simpler gown, though the chest was covered in a fiery golden design that looked like dragon flames.

     Valadhiel twirled in front of the mirror for a moment before she smiled. She loved how light the dress felt, and though it was not see through in the slightest, she could feel the cool night air pass through the dress as if she were wearing a cloud.

     The skin-changing elf turned to her door after a moment before walking out of her room, barefoot once again. In fact, she hadn't worn shoes at all that day. She rather enjoyed being barefoot when she got the chance.

     Thorin had been walking down the hall that led to Valadhiel's room, and he stopped when he saw the fiery haired elf, blinking when he saw her dress. He had to admit that, though he wasn't always so fond of elves or their customs, they knew how to make beautiful gowns. "I was wondering if you were coming."

     "Well, I did need to take a quick bath after Fili's revenge on me." Valadhiel replied with a chuckle, smiling at Thorin as she walked over to the tall dwarf. "And I was trying to find a dress that wasn't so fancy. I hope I didn't keep you all waiting for too long."

     Thorin shook his head with a kind smile and held his arm out to her. "Not all that long. The others are simply impatient."

     Valadhiel took Thorin's arm with a smile and walked down the hall and stairs with him. "I would say something, though I myself am rather impatient, so I had best not." She paused before continuing. "Is Bilbo out there as well?"

     "If he is, I haven't seen him." Thorin replied, glancing away from Valadhiel when she brought up the halfling. "Why do you seem to care so much?"

     Valadhiel furrowed her brow and looked at Thorin. "For the same reason I ask about you, or Kili, or Fili, or any of the other dwarves. Bilbo is my friend as well as you lot, you know. What do you mean by such a question?"

     "You just seem to spend an awful lot of time with him, is all."

     Valadhiel raised an eyebrow. "I also spend a lot of time with Balin, Bofur, Kili, Fili, Ori, and many of the others. You are aware that I do spend the most time with you, aye?" She looked away from Thorin as she stepped outside with him. Her heart had skipped a beat after she spoke, and she bit her lower lip.

     Thorin glanced over at Valadhiel before he walked down a stone path with her. "That is true." He replied quietly.

     Valadhiel smiled a little. "I can't help it if I am the only woman among you all. I can't just not talk to you all and remain silent the entire time, now, can I?" She then playfully nudged the dwarf with a grin. "Follow me. I convinced Elrond to allow us to set out some snacks and a few different drinks."

     "Did I hear you say drinks, lass?"

     Valadhiel looked up when Bofur, who sat on a log around the campfire spoke, then she rolled her eyes a little, though was smiling in slight amusement. "Yes, though don't you dare drink too much alcohol. I don't deal with drunk people very well." She let go of Thorin's arm after reaching the fire and sat on a log next to Balin.

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