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     Valadhiel woke to the sound of dwarves whispering. She heard them, and even heard snickers and chuckles, but she didn't open her eyes just yet. She was still tired, and whatever she was leaning on was warm and softer than the dungeon floor.

     After a moment, she remembered that she ended up falling asleep on Thorin last night. She opened her eyes and looked up. Yes, her head was resting on Thorin's chest, as was one of her hands.

     "Does Thorin make a nice pillow, lass?" Bofur asked after a moment, smirking over at her.

     Valadhiel flinched and tried to sit up, though Thorin's arms tightened around her when she attempted to move. She bit her lower lip. He needed his rest and she didn't want to wake him, so she supposed she would have to remain trapped in his arms. "He does, actually. He's much softer than the dungeon floor." She replied, loud enough for the others to hear, though quiet enough so that Thorin wouldn't wake.

     "So, what exactly happened last night?" Kili asked, raising a brow at the elf.

     "I had a nightmare, Thorin comforted me, and I fell asleep." Valadhiel replied, shooting Kili a look.

     "If you say so." Kili replied, sitting back and shooting a mischievous look Valadhiel's way.

     Valadhiel rolled her eyes. "We were just talking."

     "Just talking?" Fili asked with a smirk.

     "Do you like him?" Ori asked with a grin.

     "You were cuddling, too, by the looks of it." Kili pointed out, still grinning mischievously.

     Valadhiel blushed slightly, though she narrowed her eyes at Kili and Fili. "I must have fallen asleep."

     "Right." Both Kili and Fili said, stretching the word out.

     "Kili, Fili, stop being inappropriate." Thorin said, opening his eyes and looking over at his nephew with a raised brow before he looked at Valadhiel, gently releasing her so she wouldn't be trapped against him anymore.

     Valadhiel chuckled a little at Kili and Fili when they looked startled, then she sat up and stretched her arms, wings, and legs. She looked up when she heard someone nearing her cell, then stood when she saw Legolas. "What brings you down here?"

     Legolas looked at Valadhiel, then he sat down on a step next to the cell. "I came to let you know that a friend of yours is hiding in these halls." He replied. "He said his name is Bilbo, and that he is going to free you as soon as he finds a way out. As for the way out, I believe I know of a way."

     Thorin had looked away from the elf in a grouchy manner at first, but when he mentioned Bilbo and said that he knew of a way out, he looked over at the elf with interest.

     Valadhiel grinned. "I knew he was here." She murmured after she looked up at the dungeon stairs, then she looked at Legolas again. "How? And if you know of a way to get us out, will you show Bilbo?"

     Legolas nodded. "Of course. As you know, last night was the Feast Of Starlight. Many of the elves got pretty drunk last night, even the guards in the wine barrel room. The barrels are sent to Laketown, and there is a lever that will send them into the river. That will be your way out. This was Bilbo's plan, not mine, so he will be the one coming to get you out."

     Valadhiel nodded. "So he should be down here soon. And I would say that it is almost sunrise, correct?" 

     "Yes. It will be sunrise fairly soon."

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