Out Of The Frying Pan And Into The Fire

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     Valadhiel was now out of the wreckage, and Gandalf was taking a look at her ankle before he looked at her. "The arrow was indeed poisoned." He told her before he got back up to her feet. "You'll be experiencing some pain for a few days."

     Thorin, also out of the wreckage and now helping the remaining dwarves out, looked over at Gandalf in slight alarm. "Won't it kill her? We need to get her some medicine!"

     "For dwarf or man, medicine would be required, Master Thorin. However, Vala here is not only a dragon, but an elf. The poison won't kill her, but simply cause pain and discomfort."

     Thorin, now that all of his men were out of the rubble, went to Valadhiel's side and looked at her worriedly, and when Valadhiel looked past him in alarm, he turned his attention to where she looked. He felt his face pale a little when he saw the thousands of goblins running towards them.

     "Gandalf!" Valadhiel and Kili called in alarm at the same time.

     "There's too many!" Dwalin exclaimed. "We can't fight them!"

     "Only one thing can save us: daylight." Gandalf told them then he got in front of them and gestured for them to hurry and come, then he reached and pulled another dwarf to his feet. "Come on! Here, on your feet!"

     All the dwarves got up and ran after Gandalf, and Thorin scooped Valadhiel up into his arms before he ran after them all. After what seemed to be forever, they ran out of the caves and into sunlight.

     Once all of them had reached safety, Gandalf began counting everybody. "Five, six, seven, eight... Bifur, Bofur... that's ten... Fili, Kili; that's twelve, Bombur and Vala- that's only fourteen. Where's Bilbo? Where's our Hobbit?"

     "Curse the halfling! Now he's lost?" Dwalin said in annoyance, but a mix of fear for the little guy was in his tone.

     "I thought he was with Dori!" Gloin said.

     "Don't blame me!" Dori replied.

     "Well, where did you last see him?" Gandalf asked.

     Valadhiel looked up at Gandalf from where she lay in Thorin's arms. "I haven't seen him since they captured us. I know he fell into the tunnel with us, but after that... I don't know."

     "What exactly happened?" Gandalf asked, raising his voice a little. "Tell me!"

     Valadhiel soon smelled Bilbo's scent, and she looked around. However, she couldn't see him anywhere, even when she managed to pinpoint his scent. What was going on? She looked at Thorin when he gently set her down by a tree, then he turned and looked at the others.

     "I'll tell you what happened." Thorin said angrily. "Master Baggins saw his chance and he took it! He's thought of nothing but his soft bed and his warm hearth since first he stepped out of his door! We will not be seeing our hobbit again. He is long gone."

     "No, he isn't."

     Valadhiel looked toward the voice, which was where she had smelled Bilbo's scent, then she smiled, so relieved that Bilbo was okay. She watched as he stepped out from behind a tree and came toward them all, and she was rather glad that he had shown himself before she angrily lashed at Thorin.

     "Bilbo Baggins!" Gandalf exclaimed with a smile of relief. "I've never been so glad to see anyone in my life!"

     "Bilbo, we'd given you up!" Kili exclaimed, also seeming to be relieved that they now knew where their hobbit was.

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