The Only Right

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Thorin strode over to Bard and looked up at the man. "You took our money. Where are the weapons?"

"Wait here." Bard said before leaving the room.

Bain left the room as well, having needed to talk to his father before he went back to his room once more. He wasn't sleeping, however, when several strange men were in his house and he had two little sisters. He was being paranoid, perhaps, but he didn't plan on going to sleep.

"Tomorrow begins the last days of autumn." Thorin, who sat with Balin, Fili, Kili, and Valadhiel, said.

"Durin's Day falls morn after next." Balin said. "We must reach the mountain before then."

"And if we do not?" Kili asked, furrowing his brow. "If we fail to find the hidden door before that time?"

"Then this quest has been for nothing." Fili answered.

"However, we didn't come here for nothing." Valadhiel said. "We will get in there one way or another."

"You forget; the front gate is sealed." Balin told her. "There is no other way in."

"How did Smaug get in?"

Thorin was about to answer the canine elf before Bard entered the room again. He, Balin, Kili, and Fili got to their feet, as did Valadhiel, when he set a bundle on the table and unbound the wrappings, revealing handmade weapons.

"What is that?" Thorin asked.

"Pike-hook." Bard replied. "Made from an old harpoon."

"And this?" Kili asked, picking up one of the other "weapons".

"A crowbill, we call it, fashioned from a smithy's hammer. It's heavy in hand, I grant, but in defense of your life, these will serve you better than none."

"We paid you for weapons." Gloin said, clenching his fist. "Iron-forged swords and axes!"

"It's a joke!" Bofur cried out, dropping his weapon back onto the table.

"I am really missing my weapons right now..." Valadhiel muttered. Never had she been without them, and now they lay in the Woodland Realm, doing them no good at all.

"At least you are a weapon." Dwalin pointed out snappily.

"You won't find better outside the city armory." Bard told them. "All iron-forged weapons are held there under lock and key."

Thorin looked at Dwalin and raised a brow, giving a small smile. Dwalin smirked and nodded in response.

"Thorin?" Balin asked, giving the two an uneasy look.

Bard looked up when Thorin's name was mentioned, looking as if he had heard the name before. He then looked at Valadhiel when she walked over and spoke.

"Thorin, don't..."

"Why not take what's been offered and go?" Balin asked. "I've made do with less; so have you. I say we leave now."

"You're not going anywhere." Bard told them.

"What did you say?" Dwalin spat.

"There's spies watching this house and probably every dock and wharf in the town. You must wait till nightfall."

Valadhiel had nodded her approval at what Bard said, then she blinked and looked at him like he was insane when he told them they had to wait until nightfall. She looked over at Thorin, who agreed that they would wait, then she shook her head and gave a small sigh. There would be no talking them out of this.

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