Eyes Are The Window To The Soul

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"Blimey!" Tom exclaimed, backing up a step.

The dwarves, as well as Bilbo, all stared at the beast with wide eyes. She was a dragon? How was this possible? What new devilry was this? How was this skin-changing elf also a dragon?

"Grab 'er!" Bert ordered, even though he himself had taken a small step back.

Tom went to grab her since Bert had ordered him to, but when he reached out to grab the dragon by the neck, his hands were met with a stream of fire. He moved his hands back, only to give a cry of pain when the flames were blown into his face. He stumbled back as he clutched the side of his face, shrieking in pain.

Bilbo, despite still being tied up, managed to back away towards the dwarves to avoid the feet of the trolls and the dragon. Or, was she an elf? A skinchanger? What was she?

Valadhiel, when William tried to grab her, whirled around and sunk her fangs into the arm of the troll, and she clenched her teeth to keep the troll from being able to jerk free, blood spilling from his wound and across her teeth. She didn't let go until the troll began to pound on her head with his fist, and when she did, blood dripped from her fangs. She glared at the trolls with fiery eyes before she spat out an angry hiss, blood spraying when she did so.

"You think you can take us all on?" Bert scoffed, even though he had yet to actually come up and try to attack the dragon.

"The dawn will take you all!" An all-too-familiar voice came from the side. There, at the top of a large boulder, stood Gandalf.

"Who's that?" Bert asked.

"No idea." Tom said.

"Can we eat 'im, too?" William asked after Tom spoke.

Gandalf struck the rock with his staff, splitting it so that it was broken in half, and daylight streamed into the clearing. The three ugly trolls stood still after trying to clumsily run away, becoming stone almost instantly.

Valadhiel looked at all of the trolls, then she licked her fangs clean before she grimaced. "I hate trolls..." She muttered, flicking one with her tail before she walked away from them. She looked over when Gandalf climbed onto her back to get off the rock, then she lowered her head to allow him onto the ground.

"You have revealed to them that you are also a dragon?" Gandalf questioned as he untied Thorin, then he went about untying Bilbo, then the others. Thorin untied his nephews after untying Balin, and Bilbo went about untying Ori, Oin, Gloin, and so on.

"It wasn't my intention." Valadhiel replied before heaving a sigh. She looked at the dwarves and hobbit once they were all untied, realizing they were staring in a mixture of anger, fear, and shock.

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