Outrunning Wargs

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"What... what is she doing?" Bilbo asked Gandalf, looking from Valadhiel and Radagast to Gandalf, then looking back at them again. Never before had he seen anything like this. Then again, there was a lot he hadn't seen, having never been outside of The Shire before.

"Our dear dragoness is performing a mind-meld of sorts." Gandalf replied as he watched them. "She is searching for the information Radagast has lost, and she will bring it to surface so that he is able to remember what he needed to tell me."

The dwarves and Bilbo waited impatiently, rather flustered by this scatter-brained wizard. Even Gandalf got impatient after a moment, and right before Thorin seemed about to blow a fuse, Valadhiel jerked her head up and stumbled. Her neck wobbled, as did her legs, and her wings were involuntarily shaking.

"Vala, are you alright?" Thorin asked. Rather than flustered at Radagast, he was concerned for her. Did that always happen when she performed a mind-meld, or was her infected bite wound affecting her?

"I remember!" Radagast exclaimed after a moment. He walked away from the dwarves alongside Gandalf as he spoke to him.

"How many fingers am I holding up, Vala?" Kili asked after Thorin spoke, holding up two fingers for her to see. Why was she shaking like that? Was she dizzy?

"Yes, I'm alright. I always get dizzy after a mind-meld." Valadhiel assured Thorin, then she looked at Kili and squinted. "Uh, eleven? Wait- there's three of you. Which one is the real you?"

Kili and Bilbo both exchanged a look of concern, and Thorin and Fili shared the same look before the four looked back at Valadhiel. The dragoness tried stepping forward, but she ended up only slipping and falling over.

"That foot is mine..." She muttered after grunting when she hurt her burning wound, squinting at her feet. "Or is it?" She managed to get herself up and, after a moment, she managed to sit up, then stand up.

Some of the dwarves raised an eyebrow and held back a laugh, but most of the others failed at holding back their laughter. They had never seen a dragon act tipsy before, after all.

"This isn't funny." Thorin scolded the others, though he himself was trying to hold back a smile of amusement, despite the fact that they wouldn't be able to travel quickly if she was going to be dizzy.

"It's alright, Master..." She squinted and looked to Thorin's left, then his right, then she looked at him- though only because Bofur told her where to turn her head. "Master Thorin. If I were to see a giant purple reptile in such a predicament, I'd be gasping for air by now, and my sides would be aching from laughing so much." She then winced a little when she accidentally hit her head on a branch. "Headache... very bad headache..."

Kili and Fili hadn't laughed yet, and were trying so desperately to hold their laughter in, but after Valadhiel tripped over her own tail and fell onto her belly, they burst out laughing, unable to keep their amusement hidden any longer.

Bilbo, by this time, was chuckling in amusement. The poor thing... and he could only imagine the headache she had. He sat down on a nearby rock as he watched and listened.

"You know what? I think I'll just lie here for awhile." Valadhiel said, then she blinked heavily. "Will you all stop moving?"

"Vala, we're not moving." Thorin replied with a smirk, his eyes twinkling in amusement. "Your eyes are rolling in their sockets."

"I suppose that would explain why the trees are moving... last I checked, this wasn't The Old Forest, nor was it Fangorn."

"So, you experience this every time you mind-meld?" Bilbo asked after a moment, deciding to not ask how she knew about The Old Forest at the moment.

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