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"The path goes this way." Thorin said, walking down the path as he gestured for the others to follow him.

"This way." Dwalin said.

"Air." Bofur said, panting slightly. "I need air."

"My head, it's spinning." Oin commented, placing a hand on his forehead for a brief moment.

"I really hate this place." Valadhiel murmured, looking around uneasily. Her head pounded, and her ankle throbbed. Her ankle hadn't bothered her at all yesterday, though now, it seemed that the poison had returned and was determined to make her limp.

"I'm sure we all do." Dori said in response to Valadhiel.

Valadhiel stopped abruptly as the dwarves in front of her bumped into each other, causing Kili, Fili, and Bilbo to bump into her. "Sorry." She told them before she looked ahead of her. What had just happened?

"What's happening?" Oin asked.

"Keep moving." Thorin ordered. "Nori, why have we stopped?"

"The path- it's disappeared!"

"Look for the path. All of you; find it!"

Valadhiel inwardly groaned. How could they have possibly lost the path? Then again, she felt as if she were in a daydream of sorts. Things almost felt unreal in this forest. She began searching for the path with the others, though considering what Gandalf had told them, she wasn't expecting to find it. Sure enough, after what seemed to be hours, they still had not found it.

"I don't remember this place before." Balin said. "None of it's familiar."

"It's got to be here." Dori commented.

"What hour is it?" Thorin asked.

"I do not know." Dwalin replied. "I don't even know what day it is!"

Thorin looked over at Valadhiel expectantly. When they had been in the goblin tunnels, she had somehow managed to keep track of what day it was, and she was fairly close to the hour. "Vala?"

Valadhiel looked over at Thorin, then she shook her head. "I'm unable to sense anything in this forest. The only feeling I have is unease, and that's simply because I sense nothing."

Thorin sighed. "Is there no end to this accursed place?"

The dwarves all wandered around, talking to each other, and some of them were starting to even ramble nonsense. Valadhiel sat down on the ground after a moment, and Bilbo joined her. He absentmindedly plucked at a spiderweb.

"Look." Ori said.

Valadhiel and Bilbo both looked over at Ori, wondering if they had perhaps found the path again.

"A tobacco pouch." Dori said. "There's dwarves in these woods."

"Dwarves from the Blue Mountains, no less." Bofur said as he took the pouch from Ori. "This is exactly the same as mine."

Valadhiel blinked when Dori made that statement. "Yes... you are the dwarves! Bofur, that tobacco pouch is yours!" She wasn't sure whether she should be annoyed or if she should be amused.

"You understand?" Bilbo asked in annoyance. "We're going around in circles."

Valadhiel's eyes widened. "We're lost."

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