A Moment's Peace

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It had been a couple of months, and everything was going surprisingly well. The people of Laketown had come seeking help in funds to rebuild, and Thorin had been much more generous than Valadhiel had thought or hoped he would be. He was even patient with the Elvenking when he came seeking the white jewels he'd sought after for so long. His kin that were still in Ered Luin were on their way back home as well. Things had been going very well— perhaps too well.

Valadhiel still had a bad feeling that something terrible was bound to happen. After word spreading about The Lonely Mountain being reclaimed, after word being spread of her helping them, enemies were bound to hear about it. She was worried specifically over Azog The Defiler, Bolg the Halfbreed, and Night Fury the Black Dragon. She couldn't help but feel an unease. But, thus far, everything was going very well, smoothly, and peacefully.


     Valadhiel looked to her right when she heard her name and smiled. "Kili, Fili." She replied, and her eyes trailed to the figure approaching from behind them. Her heart leaped in her chest before racing when she saw King Thorin, and her smile grew. "Thorin."

     "Is it true that Durin made you an honorary dwarf?" Kili asked, and Fili followed with, "That's how it's said in the tale, right?", then Kili finished with, "That's what Balin said, anyways."

     Valadhiel chuckled before she nodded. "Yes, that is right. I was the only elf to get along with dwarves the way I did, and Durin and I were very close at one point." She replied, then she shook her head and looked down with a smile.

     "What?" Thorin asked curiously, looking at the elleth in amusement. "Is something funny?"

     "Oh, no." Valadhiel replied, then she explained. "Well, to some it would be. Durin and I were so close at one point in time that he wanted to marry me. That... is part of the reason he named me an honorary dwarf. It didn't work out, but he still told me that I was an honorary dwarf. He hoped that if I wouldn't be wed to him, then maybe to one of his kin." She blushed lightly.

"So how old are you?" Kili asked.

"Kili, you never ask a woman her age!" Fili scolded.

Valadhiel chuckled. "Well, let's see... Durin passed before the end of the First Age, placing him at about 2,395 years old." She rolled her eyes upward in thought, her lips moving as she counted the best she could in her head. "It's the Third Age... the year 2941..."

"You okay there?" Thorin asked, quirking a brow, an amused smile tugging at the corner of his lips.

"Possibly. Numbers aren't my strong suit." Valadhiel replied with a chuckle. She noticed the look on Thorin's face and playfully nudged him. "The Second Age lasted for 3,441 years in total. I am a thousand years younger than Durin is, so when Durin passed away I was 1,395. That plus 3,441 plus 2,941 is... oh dear, can we not talk about how old I am?"


"Yes, thank you, Kili." Valadhiel said with a laugh.

"Seven, the number of perfection." Thorin commented. He smiled at Valadhiel, a flirtatious sparkle in his eye. "Your name means Angelic, and you are perfect times four."

Valadhiel blushed again and chuckled. "Well, thank you for saying so, even though we both know that's not true." She replied as she looked at the Dwarven King.

"Well, you know what they say." Fili said. "Love is blind." He then took off down the hall before either one of them could give him a look.

     Kili burst out laughing before he followed after his brother. He wanted to go see what the other dwarves were up to, anyways— and leave the lovebirds alone for the time being. Especially since he was pretty sure that his uncle wanted to talk to Vala about something.

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