Stone Giants

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The next morning, Valadhiel was up just before sunrise. She brushed out her hair, put some braids in it, then she went about getting dressed into the outfit she'd been in on the quest. It was her usual armored outfit that she wore when on potentially dangerous quests.

Once dressed, she slipped her boots on, then she grabbed her twin blades and placed them in their scabbards, then she got her sword and placed it in its scabbard on her left hip, then she grabbed three of her daggers and placed them in various places. She liked to have some hidden weapons just in case they would ever be needed. She then pulled her quiver of arrows onto her back, then picked up her bow before she looked around the room to make sure she had everything.

After going through her weapons in her head, she figured that she had all of them. She then picked up her satchel and went through her belongings in there. All she needed was in her satchel, so she shouldered it and then silently made her way to the bedroom door. She opened it, though this time, she stopped and looked up, then she smiled. "Good morning, Glandur."

Glandur laughed lightly. "It's about time we manage to not bump into each other." He commented in amusement before he added, "It only took about a thousand years, but we managed it."

Valadhiel laughed with him before she nodded. "And it's about time, too." She replied in an amused tone, beginning to walk down the hall with him. "Do you happen to know if the others are ready now?"

"They are saddling up the ponies right now, so they will be ready to leave very soon." Glandur replied, walking alongside her as she made her way down the hall that led to the stairs. "Speaking of leaving, Vala, I'll be leaving Middle-Earth sooner than expected."

Valadhiel looked at Glandur and furrowed her brow. "You mean... you're leaving for the Undying Lands very soon?"

Glandur smiled and looked over at her. "Yes, dear friend. In two months, I will be making my way to Valinor. I have been here a long, long time. My mother has been gone for a long time, and my sister is waiting there for me. My time in Middle-Earth has come to an end."

Valadhiel looked down for a moment, then she nodded softly. "I can understand that. After experiencing that much, I'm sure I would be ready to leave for Valinor as well." She said quietly, then she looked up at him again with a smile on her face. "I wish you well on your journey, Glandur. May you have peace evermore."

Glandur smiled and, after stopping, he gently pulled Valadhiel into a hug. "And I wish you well on your own journey, Little Angel. May the Valar watch over you, and may Eru guide and protect you." He pulled back from her after she'd returned the hug and looked into her eyes, a longing sort of look in his eyes. He then gently kissed her forehead before he gently gave her hand a squeeze, then he allowed his hand to slip from hers. "You should go now. They will be wondering where you are."

Valadhiel smiled at Glandur, tears welling in her eyes, though she didn't let them spill. This wasn't goodbye. She would see him again one day. "Navaer, mellon nin." She said softly before she turned and walked down the stairs. Soon, she was outside. [Farewell, my friend.]

Glandur watched as she walked away, seeing her glance back once, and after she was out of sight, he kept staring out the doorway from where he stood on the stairs. "Look after her for me." He suddenly said, not turning his head to look at whoever he was speaking to.

After being spoken to, that someone walked out from behind a pillar, revealing himself to be Thorin Oakenshield. He was about to question how the elf knew he was there, then he closed his mouth and instead said nothing of it, though he did speak. "Why do you ask me, of all people, to look after her?"

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