Master Baggins Joins The Company

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     Thorin was up bright and early, as was Balin, Gloin, and Bofur. He went around waking the others until only Kili was left. He knelt down by his nephew and gently shook his shoulder. "Kili, it's time to wake up."

     Kili rolled over and groaned. "It feels like I just got to sleep." He murmured sleepily before he sat up, rubbed his eyes, then looked around. "Is Vala awake yet?"

     "Not yet." Gloin replied as he looked over at Kili. Why did he seem to care for the elven mongrel so much? Elves were, well, elves. And skinchangers were just simply unnatural!

     Kili got to his feet and went about making sure he had his things packed before he looked at the others curiously. "Well, shouldn't we go wake her? She is a part of this company, even if some of you don't like her." He didn't understand why they disliked her. She wasn't always the friendliest, no, but she had a soft and kind side, and was overall caring, and she would always protect them. She wasn't like the elves he'd heard about, and she seemed to have complete control over the skinchanger side even though he'd been told they lost their minds in animal form.

     "Don't you remember what happened to Bofur last time we woke Miss Valadhiel?" Bifur asked in a slightly bitter tone, crossing his arms before he glanced at the sleeping feline. She liked to sleep in that animal form for some odd reason.

     Bofur shuddered a little and rubbed his wrist, which had two scars on it that he normally kept hidden under his sleeves. Who could forget what had happened?

     "That was one time, and she didn't mean it." Fili, who had just sat up from his bed mat, reminded them in defense of the elf. He looked up when Gandalf walked into the room.

     "What happened?" The old wizard asked, having overheard some of what had been said.

     Ori looked up at Gandalf after glancing at Valadhiel. "Well, about fifteen days ago a little after dawn..."


     "Where's Valadhiel?" Thorin asked, looking around at the company as they gathered their belongings to start heading off for the day.

     "The lass is still asleep." Balin replied before he gestured to his left. "Under a tree that way, not too far from us."

     "I'll go wake her." Bofur offered before he got up, walked away to the left, and came upon the tree. He saw her sleeping in her usual leopard form under the tree, so he walked closer before he kneeled. "Vala, it's time to be getting up." He said before gently shaking her shoulder. After she responded with only a feline twitch, he shook her a little harder. "Vala!"

     The elf in leopard form suddenly bolted upright with a growl and a hiss, her reflexes like lightning. Bofur drew his hand back, but not before he felt a pain in his wrist- a sharp, stinging pain. He raised his other hand to his wrist with a grimace, and when he removed his fingers to look at them, he saw blood. His eyes widened a little and he looked at the deep fang marks in his wrist, then he looked at Valadhiel.

     Valadhiel hadn't been aware of what she was doing, as she had been dreaming. She hadn't even been aware that she had attacked. When she caught the scent of Bofur's blood and saw the wound, her eyes widened. "Bofur! Oh, are... are you alright?"

     "What did you do that for?" Bofur asked with a frown. He still wasn't sure how he felt about this creature, though his feelings toward her became a little more bitter.

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