The Ring

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     "Bilbo, can I ask you something?"

Bilbo looked over when he was asked that. "Sure, Thorin. What is it?"

Thorin looked around before he got up, walked over to him, then pulled something round and shiny out of his pocket. "Do you think this is something that Vala would like?"

Bilbo looked at it a moment before he smiled. "I think that is something she would like very much. It's definitely her style— plus we know she does love shiny gems."

"Must be the dragon in her." Thorin joked, slipping the ring back into his pocket. He then blinked and looked at the Hobbit. "Please don't tell her I made a dragon joke, she'll kill me."

     "My lips are sealed, I promise." Bilbo said with a chuckle as he looked at Thorin. He smiled after a moment. "I've known you two liked each other before you two seemed to realize you did, and I've gotta say that I am very happy for the two of you."

     "Thank you, though I haven't proposed to her yet."

     "I know, but I also know that she's going to say yes." Bilbo replied. "She loves you dearly. It's obvious that she does. You're about to make her the happiest girl in the world."

     Thorin smiled. "If she does say yes, she'll make me the happiest man in the world." He said softly, a hand in his pocket where the ring was. "Until I do propose, would you mind keeping the ring with you? Knowing me, I would lose it, and you seem to be very good at keeping track of things."

     "Oh, are you sure, Thorin?" Bilbo asked, eyes widening some in surprise. He hadn't expected to be asked to keep track of the Dwarven King's ring for the future Dwarven... Elven... Skinchanger... Dragon... Queen? Whatever she would be known as.

     "I'm sure." Thorin replied, pulling the ring back out of his pocket and placing it in Bilbo's palm. "Consider it practice for when I have you as my best man."

Bilbo blinked and looked at him, at a loss for words for a moment. "Thorin, I'm honored."

"We wouldn't be at this point if it hadn't been for you." Thorin said. He would have continued talking with the halfling, but Bofur came over and let him know that his presence was requested. So, with that, he gave a nod of his head to Bilbo before he turned and walked away.

     Bilbo smiled and gave a nod in return, then he looked at the ring. "Where would be a safe place to keep this..." he murmured to himself. He already had a ring in his pocket... he could keep it in his other pocket, but he wasn't sure that was such a good idea. He looked around the room, then he turned to the nightstand. "Maybe here would be a good place."

"What's a good place for what?"

Bilbo flinched and looked behind him, nearly dropping the ring. He managed to slip it into his pocket quickly and turned around. "Vala! I was just... trying to figure out where to put... my sword." He hoped that she would buy that. "After all, children will end up here not long from now, I'm sure. Since Thorin's people will be on their way back here."

"Well, yes, but that is a ways from now." Valadhiel replied, furrowing her brow. Something was going on, but maybe she shouldn't address it. He had been weird ever since Goblin Town, after all. "Besides, I didn't think you were planning on staying much longer."

"I'm still debating, honestly." Bilbo replied, sitting down on the edge of the bed in the room. "What do you plan on doing?" He added curiously, looking at her.

"Well... originally, I was going to go back to Bree. Travel and help those in need like I always did." Valadhiel replied as she looked at the Hobbit, forgetting about his suspicious behavior for now. "But now... home is where Thorin is, honestly. He's stolen my heart." She smiled softly, her heart skipping at just the thought of the Dwarven King.

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