Thorin's Halls

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The next morning, Valadhiel had woken early, and was the second one up, as Goldberry was already preparing breakfast. Tom and Gandalf were the next two up, and Thorin got up last, though it was still very early when he did get up.

The trio ate their breakfast with Tom and Goldberry, taking their time to talk, as the couple had questions for Thorin. After breakfast, Valadhiel helped clean the kitchen, then she went upstairs to get her belongings. After strapping on her many weapons, putting on her boots, and grabbing her luggage, she walked back down the stairs. After saying goodbye to their hosts, and after thanking them, they followed Gandalf out of the house and turned onto the path that led to the Barrow-Downs.

Valadhiel had ended up shooting a wight with an arrow before it could get to Thorin on the way to Bree, and Thorin had ended up throwing an axe into the skull of another before it could stab her. Gandalf then used his staff to create a barrier around them, and they soon got into Bree safely.

Over the course of many weeks, Valadhiel and Thorin traveled from Bree to the Shire, from the Shire to Duillond, and from Duillond to Gondamon. All they had to do was pass through Noglond and into the Vale Of Thrain, then from there right into Thorin's Halls.

     One particular morning was rather beautiful, so Valadhiel looked around as they walked, as well as kept an ear out for anything that could be dangerous. She was taking no chances, as evil had been growing over the land, especially in the Low Lands. She glanced at Thorin, though pretended to be looking at a tree as they walked. She had to admit, he was rather tall for a dwarf. He was actually an inch taller than she was. He was rather handsome, too.

     After several hours, Thorin stopped walking and looked over at the elf. "We can rest here and take a break for lunch." He said, taking a seat on a fallen tree before he grabbed his satchel.

     Valadhiel nodded in response and grabbed her own satchel, taking out some lembas. After taking only two small bites, she was finished, so she then went and climbed into a tree so she could look out over the area. As she stared into space, she let her mind wander to the last time she had been there.

     Thorin looked at the elf and raised a brow when she'd only taken two bites of the bread she'd pulled out. "Surely you're hungrier than that." He commented, though he wasn't sure why. Her business was her own.

     Valadhiel looked over at him when he spoke, then she jumped off of the branch, landed soundlessly on the ground, then walked over to the dwarf. "It's lembas, elvish way bread. One small bite is typically enough to fill the stomach of a grown man. One can't live by bread alone, though, so it should only be in use when necessary."

     Thorin nodded after she spoke, finishing the small meal he had kept in his satchel before he shouldered it again. "Interesting. I had no idea elves made such things. Then again, I shouldn't be surprised. Seems you elves know how to make a lot of things."

     Valadhiel chuckled. "Most elves, don't count me in." She replied as she looked out into the distance again. It was a rather beautiful place, and she had to admit. She also had to admit that she found the things dwarves made to be beautiful, too. Their kingdoms, that was. They were absolutely very impressive.

     "Why not?" Thorin asked her casually, standing up before he began walking in the direction they needed to go. They were very close now and would reach the kingdom by evening. He furrowed his brow slightly to himself- why was he making small talk with the elf? Perhaps he was finally tired of silence and wanted someone to talk to on the way back. Plus, she wasn't very annoying, either. Shortly after he had started to travel with her, he'd found that she actually had a much quieter and calmer voice than the one she had used when they first met, and it was soothing to the ears, though he wouldn't admit that.

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