The Eagles and the Lonely Mountain

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Valadhiel, after having lost all awareness as to where she was or what was going on, looked up just in time to see Thorin being thrown again, this time, his sword flying out of his hand. Reality came rushing back to her mind, and despair flooded her senses again, but she tried to keep it from crushing her like it had only moments ago. When she heard Azog command another orc to bring him the dwarf's head, her eyes widened once more, and her heart pounded so hard that she thought it might burst right out of her chest.

She struggled to her feet, though she ended up falling once more, and even almost fell off of the tree, so she reached up and clung onto a sturdy branch. She glared at the tree, then she used all her might to pull herself out of it. She looked up just in time to see Bilbo stab and kill an orc, standing in front of Thorin now. After the Pale Orc spoke, telling them to kill him, a couple of wargs and riders made their way to him.

All fear left Valadhiel in that moment, and her yellow eyes flashed an angry red before she felt a sudden surge of strength and energy. She shifted into her leopard form again, ran across the tree trunk, and leaped onto one of the wargs with a rider on it, knocking the rider off and causing the warg to yelp.

Fili, Kili, and Dwalin joined Valadhiel, having had managed to get out of the tree. Fili and Kili were not about to let their uncle or their halfling friend die by the hands of these orcs and wargs. They wouldn't let these two die by anyone's hand!

Valadhiel finished off the orc that had been atop the warg, but she was currently struggling with the warg at the moment. She got distracted when Bilbo was flung back and left to Azog's mercy, and her eyes widened. She looked back at the warg on top of her before she kicked it off, then swiped her claws across its face.

The warg drew back, snarling and growling, though it suddenly stopped and cowered back after looking at the sky. Valadhiel looked up and spotted several large eagles. A sense of relief washed over her, and after she watched to make sure they got Bilbo, the dwarves, and Thorin, she shifted into her elven form and allowed one of the eagles to pick her up. The eagles had dragged some wargs off of the cliff and dropped them below, same for some of the orcs.

The eagle let Valadhiel go, startling her, though she relaxed when she realized she was about to land on another eagle below her. Once she was on the other eagle, she relaxed completely and sat there in its feathers, panting a little. Now that the battle was over, she realized how worn out she felt and how much she ached.


Valadhiel looked over at Fili when he called worriedly, then she looked over at Thorin and took on a worried expression, a knot forming in the pit of her stomach. "Thorin, please be okay." She whispered. He had been worried about her, but he was now the one unconscious and possibly at the brink of death.

Once they had landed, she got down from the eagle and rushed to where one eagle had set Thorin. She then looked over when Gandalf came running before she made room for him.

"Thorin!" Gandalf said, kneeling next to the unconscious dwarf. "Thorin."

"Can you help him, Gandalf?" Valadhiel asked, looking at the wizard next to her, taking one of Thorin's hands into both of her hands.

Gandalf, in response to Valadhiel's question, placed a hand on Thorin's face and began whispering. He removed his hand after the dwarf gasped for air, his eyes fluttering open.

"The halfling?" Thorin asked weakly. He knew that Valadhiel was safe, but he remembered Bilbo coming to his aid before he had completely passed out.

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