Secrets Revealed

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Valadhiel, after speaking with Legolas and Tauriel, as well as telling them what Beorn had told her about herself, had gone back to the group of dwarves and walked with them. She decided that since she was a part of their group, she was going to stay with the group. However, she knew that her fate would not be the same as their fate. She had committed a crime here long ago, and for entering this wood again, there would no doubt be punishment.

"Vala, what did you mean earlier when you said you were banished from here?" Thorin asked quietly.

Valadhiel bit her lower lip before she answered. "I meant exactly what I said. I was banished from this kingdom long, long ago. I would rather not discuss why I was banished at the moment, however."

Thorin nodded in response. He was curious as to why she had been banished, but if she didn't wish to talk about it, then he wouldn't keep asking questions. Everyone had their secrets, after all.

Soon, they reached the halls of the Elvenking. The dwarves were given free reign, though they were told that they would need an elf or two to stay with them to guide them, as the twists and turns of these halls could get confusing. Thorin and Valadhiel, however, were to be taken to the Elvenking immediately.

Legolas himself was the elf that led the dwarf and dragon to the throne room. Once they'd reached it, the double doors were opened by the guards, and Legolas had Valadhiel and Thorin walk ahead of him up to the throne. Once they had reached it, Legolas bowed before he turned and left.

Valadhiel bowed respectfully, then stood upright as the Elvenking descended his throne. He gave the elven mongrel a harsh stare before he turned his attention to Thorin. "Some may imagine that a noble quest is at hand. A quest to reclaim a homeland and slay a dragon. I myself suspect a more prosaic motive: attempted burglary, or something of that ilk." The Elvenking began, then looked at the dwarven king closely. "You have found a way in. You seek that which would bestow upon you the right to rule: the King's Jewel, the Arkenstone. It is precious to you beyond measure. I understand that. There are gems in the mountain that I too desire. White gems of pure starlight. I offer you my help."

The fiery-haired elf gave the Elvenking a suspicious look. He would only help if he got the gems he claimed were stolen from him. He had no more kindness in his heart. He was cold as ice.

"I am listening." Thorin replied.

Valadhiel looked over at him. She could tell by the look in his eyes that he already knew where this was headed.

"I will let you go, if you but return what is mine."

Thorin turned and began to slowly walk away. "A favor for a favor."

"You have my word. One king to another."

"I would not trust Thranduil, the great king, to honor his word should the end of days be upon us!" Thorin shouted, spinning around to face the Elvenking before he pointed at him. "You lack all honor! I've seen how you treat your friends. We came to you once, starving, homeless, seeking your help, but you turned your back. You turned away from the suffering of my people and the inferno that destroyed us! Imrid amrad ursul!" [Die a death of flames!]

Thranduil walked to Thorin and leaned down until he was all up in his face. "Do not speak to me of dragon-fire! Thanks to your red-haired friend, I know it's wrath and ruin! I have faced the great serpents of the north."

The Elvenking, after speaking, stood and revealed his scars to the dwarven king before he glared at Valadhiel, who bit her lower lip and looked away. Thranduil looked at Thorin once more. "I warned your grandfather of what his greed would summon, but he would not listen." He turned and began walking up the stairs to his throne. "You are just like him."

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