So Be It

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Valadhiel had run into Lindir when she'd walked out of her room, so the elf was now escorting her to the dining room, chatting some with Valadhiel in elvish as they walked along. The two would exchange words, then one of them would chuckle or lightly laugh every now and then. When Valadhiel heard Elrond and Gandalf speaking, she looked ahead of them.

"Kind of you to invite us." Gandalf said. "I'm not really dressed for dinner."

"Well, you never are." Elrond replied with an amused smile, looking over at his dear friend before he laughed along with him.

Valadhiel chuckled at the two of them, and Lindir then let go of Valadhiel's arm before he bowed and wished her a good evening. The elven maid curtsied, thanked him, and wished him a good evening in response before she looked over at Elrond and Gandalf, who nearly seemed stunned.

"I can't believe you actually wore a gown, Dear Vala." Gandalf commented in amusement. "I wasn't so sure the notes I left for you would be enough convincing."

"I don't believe I've ever seen her so dressed up. When she lived here, she never dressed like this." Elrond then commented, giving the woman an amused smile of his own. The two did like to tease the lady.

Valadhiel rolled her eyes, but she grinned in amusement. "I thought that, for once, it would be nice to dress up for tonight. But you definitely shouldn't expect to see me dressed up like this again until the next special occasion." She replied, chuckling a little after she finished speaking. She really did dislike to dress up. She wasn't one for it unless she felt like it, and seldom did she feel like being fancy.

"Don't worry, we weren't expecting it." Elrond said with a playful smile, amusement in his eyes, before he extended his arm to her, then began leading her into the dining room.

Meanwhile, in the dining room, the dwarves were seated and waiting already. Thorin would be at the larger table with Gandalf and Elrond, and Bilbo was with them at the smaller, but longer, table.

Bilbo couldn't deny that, even though the dwarves weren't overly fond of being here, he was going to enjoy being here. For one, he did like the language of the elves, and another thing was all the food. He'd not gotten a good meal since he'd left home, so this feast was going to be wonderful. They had quite a variety, too, from salads, to bread or biscuits, to fruits, and even meat. He'd heard many say elves didn't eat meat. It seemed that those who claimed such things were wrong. Either that, or they had somehow known they would end up coming here and would need meat to feed to the dwarves.

Kili and Fili were chatting with each other and eating, and all the other dwarves were talking amongst themselves as they ate. After a moment, Fili started talking with Dwalin for a bit, then he glared a bit when Kili jabbed him in the ribs. "What?" He asked in annoyance.

Kili said nothing, but only gestured to the door before he looked over there as well. His eyes were fixed on something- or someone. Fili turned his attention to the doorway as well, then he blinked. Valadhiel was in a dress, rather than her usual armored outfit, and she wore jewelry, and a crown, and her hair was done up.

Valadhiel walked into the room with Elrond, arms still linked, then he released her arm once they'd reached the table. He gave a bow of his head, and Valadhiel dipped her head with a smile in return before she began walking to the chair she was to sit in.

Thorin had already been sitting down, waiting for Gandalf and Elrond, then his eyes widened when he first saw Valadhiel enter the room. Her red hair was brushed out, and even though it looked simple, it was beautiful. Her dress was beautiful, her earrings, her crown, her necklace, her ring; everything about her was beautiful. He didn't think he'd ever seen her look like this. With her wings behind her, she almost looked like some Queen of the Fairies.

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